The second step in the process of recruiting and selecting salespeople is
a. selection.
b. prospecting.
c. recruitment.
d. planning.
e. hiring.
Answer: C
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Sales Management Chapter 5
- Although questions related to age, height, and weight should not be asked on a job application, it is perfectly acceptable to request information related to a military discharge and which holidays are observed by candidates.
- The specific reason for not hiring a candidate must be given, if requested.
- The radial search for referrals is a method of reference checking that requires getting additional references from the second-party references.
- When conducting a background check it is good advice to be wary of first-party references.
- A market bonus is a one time payment to highly qualified salespeople that recognizes an existing imbalance in supply and demand in a given labor market.
- In communicating with those offered jobs, it is now appropriate for the sales manager to "sell" the prospective salesperson on joining the firm.
- Some candidates may be "put on hold" until the top candidates have made their decisions about accepting the position.
- A company can test for drug use if the applicant is informed of the test prior to taking it, if the results are kept confidential, and drug testing is reasonably related to potential job functions.
- Requiring the job candidate to pass a physical examination is often a formal condition of employment.
- When questioning references, avoid questions concerning arrests.
- A valid reference check may be useful in helping a company prevent a lawsuit resulting from a negligent hire.
- References need not be checked because as one sales manager puts it, "Even the losers have three good references so I don't bother checking them."
- The assessment center provides an efficient, low cost means for evaluating job candidates.
- The members of a firm's assessment center are generally outside directors who perform this service for a fee.
- When selection tests are used, the hiring decision should be based solely on the test results.
- Selection tests today are a valid and proven method of accurately predicting future job performance.
- Selection tests can often be completed online at relatively little expense.
- Recruiters sometimes reject job candidates due to information about them found online.
- Valuable clues about the recruit may be gathered from the appearance and completeness of the resume.
- Professional organizations are a viable source of sales recruits.
- Several employers are brought together in one location for recruiting purposes by career fairs.
- A college campus recruiting method that is gaining in popularity is the sales internship.
- Resume search services match qualified candidates with firms.
- A disadvantage of recruiting online is its relatively high cost.
- By setting specific objectives for recruiting and selection, sales managers can channel resources into priority areas and improve organizational and salesforce effectiveness.