Which of the following is NOT an option for remedying a cost disadvantage associated with activities performed by forward channel allies (wholesale distributors and retail dealers)?
A. Change to a more economical distribution strategy such as putting more emphasis on cheaper distribution channels (perhaps direct sales via the Internet) or perhaps integrating forward into company-owned retail outlets
B. Enhance differentiation through activities such as cooperative advertising) at the forward end of the value chain
C. Pressure distributors/dealers and other forward-channel allies to reduce their costs and markups
D. Insisting on across-the-board cost cuts in all value chain activities—those performed by suppliers, those performed in-house, and those performed by distributors/dealers
E. Collaborate with forward channel allies to identify win-win opportunities to reduce costs
Answer: Insisting on across-the-board cost cuts in all value chain activities—those performed by suppliers, those performed in-house, and those performed by distributors/dealers