During the 1990s top executives of Titanic, Inc., followed a pattern of aggressive acquisitions and diversification. Now, Titanic is performing poorly and earning below average returns. Lusitania, a large conglomerate firm, is in the final stages of purchasing Titanic. Lusitania has announced that it will fire Titanic's current top executives. The Titanic executives may not be worried about their impending job loss if they

During the 1990s top executives of Titanic, Inc., followed a pattern of aggressive acquisitions and diversification. Now, Titanic is performing poorly and earning below average returns. Lusitania, a large conglomerate firm, is in the final stages of purchasing Titanic. Lusitania has announced that it will fire Titanic's current top executives. The Titanic executives may not be worried about their impending job loss if they

a. plan to take poison pills.

b. have golden parachutes.

c. have silver handcuffs.

d. have ironclad contracts.

Answer: have golden parachutes.

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