A bank has a planned 2-year investment horizon. It is considering investing in a 2-year bond that pays 6% annually versus investing in a 4-year bond that pays 6.5% annually and then selling it after two years. The annual coupon payments can be reinvested at 4%.

A bank has a planned 2-year investment horizon. It is considering investing in a 2-year bond that pays 6% annually versus investing in a 4-year bond that pays 6.5% annually and then selling it after two years. The annual coupon payments can be reinvested at 4%.

What will be the realized compound yield if the bank invests in the 2-year security and holds it until maturity?

a. 4.00%

b. 5.48%

c. 5.94%

d. 6.01%

e. 6.85%

Answer: C

What will be the realized compound yield if the bank invests in the 4-year security and sells it at the end of two years, assuming interest rates remain unchanged?

a. 4.00%

b. 5.48%

c. 5.94%

d. 6.01%

e. 6.85%

Answer: e

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