The rational model of decision making is also called the ____ model.
A. focused
B. analytical
C. decision
D. classical
E. logical
The prospect theory suggests that ____.
The prospect theory suggests that ____.
A. decision makers are influenced by the way a situation or problem is framed
B. decision makers have...
Who are our customers? What are our major products or services? In what geographic areas do we compete? These are all questions that are answered in a good _____.
Who are our customers? What are our major products or services? In what geographic areas do we compete? These are all questions that are answered in...
Goal displacement, satisficing, and groupthink are ____.
Goal displacement, satisficing, and groupthink are ____.
A. advantages of group decision making
B. disadvantages of individual decision making
The mission statement expresses the ____.
The mission statement expresses the ____.
A. expected profitability of the organization
B. purpose of the organization
C. code of ethics
Writing employee schedules and a list of things to do for the cook is a type of ____.
Writing employee schedules and a list of things to do for the cook is a type of ____.
A. strategic planning
B. operational planning
C. delegation...
Satisficing is the tendency of ____.
Satisficing is the tendency of ____.
A. people to view events as being more predictable than they really are
B. decision makers to be influenced...
In the strategic-management process, the final step, maintaining strategic control, is the source of _____.
In the strategic-management process, the final step, maintaining strategic control, is the source of _____.
A. the organizational mission
Manner of dress, awards, myths and stories told about the company, and rituals and ceremonies are ____.
Manner of dress, awards, myths and stories told about the company, and rituals and ceremonies are ____.
A. observable artifacts of organizational...
The process of assigning managerial authority and responsibility to lower-level managers and employees is known as ____.
The process of assigning managerial authority and responsibility to lower-level managers and employees is known as ____.
A. authority
B. planning
Planning done by first-line managers to determine how to accomplish specific tasks with available resources within the next 1 to 52 weeks is known as _____.
Planning done by first-line managers to determine how to accomplish specific tasks with available resources within the next 1 to 52 weeks is known as...
A defensive strategy is also known as a(n) _____.
A defensive strategy is also known as a(n) _____.
A. retrenchment strategy
B. fixed plan
C. aggressive approach
D. growth strategy
E. stability...
Contingency planning is also known as _____.
Contingency planning is also known as _____.
A. organizational opportunities
B. scenario goal-setting and plans
C. a trend analysis
D. scenario...
The vertical hierarchy is also known as _____.
The vertical hierarchy is also known as _____.
A. an upward graph
B. the X-Y chart
C. the chain of command
D. the network structure
E. the corporate...
In the BCG matrix, organizations that have slow growth but high market share, and income from them often finances stars and question marks, are ____.
In the BCG matrix, organizations that have slow growth but high market share, and income from them often finances stars and question marks, are ____.
The basic assumption that the picture of the present can be projected into the future is the basis of a _____.
The basic assumption that the picture of the present can be projected into the future is the basis of a _____.
A. trend goal
B. business plan
The process by which a company compares its performance with that of high-performing organizations is known as ___.
The process by which a company compares its performance with that of high-performing organizations is known as ___.
A. trend analysis
B. a...
A hierarchy of authority is ____.
A hierarchy of authority is ____.
A. also known as a division of labor
B. a control mechanism for making sure the right people do the right...
The Delphi technique is a group process that uses physically dispersed experts who fill out questionnaires to ____.
The Delphi technique is a group process that uses physically dispersed experts who fill out questionnaires to ____.
A. form a diversity plan
The predisposition in which people's subjective confidence in their decision making is greater than their objective accuracy is ____.
The predisposition in which people's subjective confidence in their decision making is greater than their objective accuracy is ____.
A. confidence...
Division of labor is also known as ____.
Division of labor is also known as ____.
A. a task chart
B. a horizontal hierarchy
C. an organizational graph
D. work specialization
E. chain...
In an organization, division of labor is ____.
In an organization, division of labor is ____.
A. the coordination of individual efforts into a group or organization-wide effort
B. the common...
A forecast is a(n) _____.
A forecast is a(n) _____.
A. glimpse of what just happened
B. execution of strategy and making adjustments
C. projection for the future
D. analysis...
A decision tree is ____.
A decision tree is ____.
A. a structure of problem-solving ideas, with its roots based on the organization's mission
B. the hierarchy that must...
The primary reason for an organization to adopt planning and strategic management is to _____.
The primary reason for an organization to adopt planning and strategic management is to _____.
A. develop MBO
B. encourage new ideas
C. develop...
The profits of ABC Grocery have dropped significantly over the last several months. After investigating, the owner realizes that the store is moving in the wrong direction in many departments, so there needs to be greater focus by management. This is an example of how an organization can progress in the wrong direction with ____.
The profits of ABC Grocery have dropped significantly over the last several months. After investigating, the owner realizes that the store is moving...
There are two kinds of spans of control are _____.
There are two kinds of spans of control are _____.
A. tall and short
B. flat and broad
C. tall and hollow
D. hierarchy and nonhierarchy
The model of decision making that explains how managers should make decisions, assuming managers will make logical decisions that will be the optimum in furthering the organization's best interests, is known as the ____.
The model of decision making that explains how managers should make decisions, assuming managers will make logical decisions that will be the optimum...
Espoused values are _____.
Espoused values are _____.
A. a narrative based on true events, which emphasize a particular value
B. physical manifestations of organizational...
Organizations using a matrix structure _____.
Organizations using a matrix structure _____.
A. contain multiple overlapping command structures, in which employees report to several managers
Difficulties that inhibit the achievement of goals are known as _____.
Difficulties that inhibit the achievement of goals are known as _____.
A. objectives
B. synergies
C. values
D. problems
E. alternatives
Planning done by middle managers to determine what contributions their departments or similar work units can make with their given resources during the next 6 to 24 months is ____.
Planning done by middle managers to determine what contributions their departments or similar work units can make with their given resources during...
The clan culture has a(n) _____.
The clan culture has a(n) _____.
A. internal focus and values flexibility
B. strong external focus and values stability and control
C. external...
Important decisions are made by middle-level and supervisory-level managers with ____.
Important decisions are made by middle-level and supervisory-level managers with ____.
A. decentralized authority
B. upper authority
C. focused...
In the third step of rational decision making (evaluating alternatives and select a solution), you need to evaluate each alternative not only according to cost and quality but also according to the following questions: _____
In the third step of rational decision making (evaluating alternatives and select a solution), you need to evaluate each alternative not only according...
Rites and rituals are ____.
Rites and rituals are ____.
A. company values included in the code of ethics
B. the activities and ceremonies that celebrate important occasions...
Sometimes culture can be strong enough to take the place of an organization's ____.
Sometimes culture can be strong enough to take the place of an organization's ____.
A. performance standards
B. code of ethics
C. business plan
The idea that proposes that the ability of decision makers to be rational is limited by numerous constraints, such as complexity, time, cognitive capacity, values, skills, habits, and unconscious reflexes, is known as _____.
The idea that proposes that the ability of decision makers to be rational is limited by numerous constraints, such as complexity, time, cognitive capacity,...
The tendency of people to view events as being more predictable than they really are known as _____.
The tendency of people to view events as being more predictable than they really are known as _____.
A. framing bias
B. hindsight bias
C. sunk-cost...
Because of frequently changing competition and technology, a company's strategic planning may have to be done _____.
Because of frequently changing competition and technology, a company's strategic planning may have to be done _____.
A. every 5 years rather...
The father of scientific management is _____.
The father of scientific management is _____.
A. Frank Gilbreth
B. Tom Gallagher
C. Abraham Maslow
D. Peter Drucker
E. Frederick Taylor
When the manager of a local restaurant sets goals and then develops a plan on how to achieve them, she is ____.
When the manager of a local restaurant sets goals and then develops a plan on how to achieve them, she is ____.
A. planning
B. monitoring
Countertrading is ___ goods for goods.
Countertrading is ___ goods for goods.
A. outsourcing
B. sourcing
C. bartering
D. selling
E. licensing
Answer: ...
A computer manufacturer is seeking to cut costs by designing an inventory system that reduces the number of finished products in stock due to overproduction and to set in place a production schedule that better matches customers' orders. This is an example of ____.
A computer manufacturer is seeking to cut costs by designing an inventory system that reduces the number of finished products in stock due to overproduction...
Hugo Munsterberg was known as ____.
Hugo Munsterberg was known as ____.
A. the father of scientific management
B. a pioneer of scientific management
C. the father of MBO
D. the...
On an organization's board of directors, inside directors ____outside directors _____.
On an organization's board of directors, inside directors ____outside directors _____.
A. are supposed to be elected from outside the organization/...
Ethnocentrism is also known as _____.
Ethnocentrism is also known as _____.
A. geocentrism
B. ecocentrism
C. parochialism
D. open-mindedness
E. a flexible management style
One way to think of management is ___.
One way to think of management is ___.
A. efficiency in motion
B. the science of helping people
C. the science of accomplishing things
D. the...
Americans driving less and young people having less interest in cars are examples of trends in society known as ____ forces.
Americans driving less and young people having less interest in cars are examples of trends in society known as ____ forces.
A. diversity
An import quota is a(n) ____.
An import quota is a(n) ____.
A. trade barrier
B. embargo
C. trade encouragement
D. export fee
E. type of dumping
Answer: ...
What mechanism is used to provide a systematic assessment of an organization's triple bottom line?
What mechanism is used to provide a systematic assessment of an organization's triple bottom line?
A. sustainability program
B. code of ethics
The management approach that emphasized ways to manage work more efficiently is the ___ viewpoint.
The management approach that emphasized ways to manage work more efficiently is the ___ viewpoint.
A. classical
B. quality-management
C. systems
Dominique owns an international grocery store where customers can purchase products from other countries. Dominique's store is an example of a company that ____.
Dominique owns an international grocery store where customers can purchase products from other countries. Dominique's store is an example of a company...
At ABC Manufacturing, employees work together to achieve the company goals and purposes. This describes ___.
At ABC Manufacturing, employees work together to achieve the company goals and purposes. This describes ___.
A. ad hoc teams
B. an organization
Gabriel, the CEO of a large global production company, is excited about the introduction of statistics and computer simulations in the design stage of their products. This is an example of _____.
Gabriel, the CEO of a large global production company, is excited about the introduction of statistics and computer simulations in the design stage...
Luxere Hotels International, an American company, sells the rights to other hospitality companies globally to open hotels with the Luxere name for a fee and a share of the profit, in return for using Luxere's brand name and a package of materials and services. This defines ____.
Luxere Hotels International, an American company, sells the rights to other hospitality companies globally to open hotels with the Luxere name for a...
Tops Burger, based out of Texas, has locations in 25 countries. Tops is a ____.
Tops Burger, based out of Texas, has locations in 25 countries. Tops is a ____.
A. multinational corporation
B. conglomerate
C. multinational...
An entrepreneur is best described as ___.
An entrepreneur is best described as ___.
A. someone who works inside an existing organization and sees a new product opportunity
B. a type...
Donna manages the service desk and makes routine decisions related to customer refunds and merchandise returns. Donna also oversees the daily tasks of the cashiers and front desk employees. Donna is a(n) ____ manager.
Donna manages the service desk and makes routine decisions related to customer refunds and merchandise returns. Donna also oversees the daily tasks...
The justice approach to deciding ethical dilemmas is guided by _____.
The justice approach to deciding ethical dilemmas is guided by _____.
A. increasing profits and workplace diversity
B. respect for the fundamental...
Technology Experts is a U.S. company that specializes in IT research. It has formed a joint venture with Processor Inc., a Canadian organization that has a reputation of producing quality PCs, to market laptops in China, sharing the risks and rewards of starting the new enterprise together. This is an example of a(n) ___.
Technology Experts is a U.S. company that specializes in IT research. It has formed a joint venture with Processor Inc., a Canadian organization that...
Globalization is the trend ___.
Globalization is the trend ___.
A. of the world economy becoming a less dependent system
B. of the world economy adding more independent markets
Corporate governance is the system ____.
Corporate governance is the system ____.
A. of governing an industry, such as the trucking industry, to protect customers
B. that protects citizens...
Alice's Pasta Kitchen makes quality pasta and sells its products to customers in other countries. This is an example of ____.
Alice's Pasta Kitchen makes quality pasta and sells its products to customers in other countries. This is an example of ____.
A. bartering
Donald enjoys the excitement and challenge of forming a firm in Europe that is totally owned and controlled by his company because he knows that although the investment will be substantial, it could result in a large return. This type of organization is an example of a ____.
Donald enjoys the excitement and challenge of forming a firm in Europe that is totally owned and controlled by his company because he knows that although...
Management is defined as the pursuit of organizational goals ____.
Management is defined as the pursuit of organizational goals ____.
A. efficiently and effectively
B. correctly and with synergy
C. economically
The classical viewpoint of management emphasized ways to ___.
The classical viewpoint of management emphasized ways to ___.
A. manage work more efficiently
B. build more synergy
C. vary according to the...
The hallmark of great civilizations has been great systems of ____.
The hallmark of great civilizations has been great systems of ____.
A. laws
B. diversity
C. leadership
D. communications
Answer: ...
Sometimes a country's laws forbid foreigners from ownership within their nation, and the only way an American company can have a presence in that foreign country is with a(n) ___.
Sometimes a country's laws forbid foreigners from ownership within their nation, and the only way an American company can have a presence in that foreign...
Mateo, an IT manager, has been studying the work methods of each task to increase the productivity of the employees in his department. Mateo is utilizing ____.
Mateo, an IT manager, has been studying the work methods of each task to increase the productivity of the employees in his department. Mateo is utilizing...
The relatively permanent and deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a person's behavior are known as ____.
The relatively permanent and deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a person's behavior are known as ____.
A. morals
With production today, companies emphasize _____.
With production today, companies emphasize _____.
A. efficiency
B. increased synergy
C. diversity
D. training
E. employee happiness
Tom, the manager of floral shop, is interested in implementing the principles of administrative management, which involves ____.
Tom, the manager of floral shop, is interested in implementing the principles of administrative management, which involves ____.
A. doing time-motion...
Ethics are _____.
Ethics are _____.
A. influences arising from changes in the characteristics of a population
B. a type of written code for an organization
The field of behavioral science includes _____.
The field of behavioral science includes _____.
A. psychology, sociology, forensic science, economics
B. psychology, forensic science, sociology,...
New developments in methods for transforming resources into goods or services are _____ forces.
New developments in methods for transforming resources into goods or services are _____ forces.
A. sociocultural
B. technological
C. demographic
Olivia, the general manager of a bowling center, believes in her workers and that they are responsible and capable employees, so that they can be trusted when given responsibility. Olivia is an example of a(n) ___ manager.
Olivia, the general manager of a bowling center, believes in her workers and that they are responsible and capable employees, so that they can be trusted...
Those who study management will understand how to ___.
Those who study management will understand how to ___.
A. relate to their managers and deal with organizations from the outside
B. better manage...
The beliefs that there are few really new ideas and that true is better than new are two of the foundational principles of ___.
The beliefs that there are few really new ideas and that true is better than new are two of the foundational principles of ___.
A. scientific...
Technical skills consist of ____.
Technical skills consist of ____.
A. the ability to think analytically
B. the ability to think analytically, to visualize an organization as...
Even for nonprofits, sooner or later there will be no organization without ____.
Even for nonprofits, sooner or later there will be no organization without ____.
A. ethical standards
B. good laws
C. the Employee Rule
Greg, a supervisor, is known by his managers to be sharp in his decisions and has a good track record of meeting his goals, Greg is a(n) ____ manager.
Greg, a supervisor, is known by his managers to be sharp in his decisions and has a good track record of meeting his goals, Greg is a(n) ____ manager.
Local communities are stakeholders of organizations because communities _____.
Local communities are stakeholders of organizations because communities _____.
A. rely on the products the companies produce
B. rely on the tax base...
The discipline concerned with creating computer systems that simulate human reasoning and sensation is known as ___.
The discipline concerned with creating computer systems that simulate human reasoning and sensation is known as ___.
A. human simulation
Free trade is the ____.
Free trade is the ____.
A. movement of customers between nations that do not have trade embargoes
B. policy of cost-free exchange of goods
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 established requirements for ____, and for noncompliance, penalties of ______.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 established requirements for ____, and for noncompliance, penalties of ______.
A. proper financial record keeping...
Greg, the IT manager, feels that his employees lack the motivation to consistently meet department goals, therefore, the approach Greg and his supervisors need to take to better understand human actions to motivate their employees toward achievement is the ____ viewpoint.
Greg, the IT manager, feels that his employees lack the motivation to consistently meet department goals, therefore, the approach Greg and his supervisors...
When individuals who want to start a new venture obtain many small amounts of money from many people, this type of financing is called ____.
When individuals who want to start a new venture obtain many small amounts of money from many people, this type of financing is called ____.
Conceptual skills consist of ____.
Conceptual skills consist of ____.
A. the ability to think practically
B. the ability to think analytically, to visualize an organization as...
An individual or individuals who work(s) within an existing organization, using personal resources to exploit an opportunity, defines a(n) ____.
An individual or individuals who work(s) within an existing organization, using personal resources to exploit an opportunity, defines a(n) ____.
Sustainability is economic development that ____.
Sustainability is economic development that ____.
A. meets future needs without compromising present needs
B. generates greater profitability
The mass media is considered part of an organization's _____.
The mass media is considered part of an organization's _____.
A. general environment
B. task environment
C. internal stakeholders
D. macroenvironment
Mary Parker Follett anticipated some of today's concepts, such as _____.
Mary Parker Follett anticipated some of today's concepts, such as _____.
A. worker empowerment and scientific management
B. self-managed teams...
Quality Air, a company that builds airplanes, typically utilizes other production companies that specialize in certain parts for its jets this practice is known as ____.
Quality Air, a company that builds airplanes, typically utilizes other production companies that specialize in certain parts for its jets this practice...
An organization's internal stakeholders consist of ___.
An organization's internal stakeholders consist of ___.
A. board of directors, employees, suppliers
B. board of directors, customers, owners
The principal functions of management are ___.
The principal functions of management are ___.
A. executing, planning, organizing, leading
B. scheduling, organizing, leading, staffing, monitoring
The 17 basic units of motion, identified by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, were named _____.
The 17 basic units of motion, identified by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, were named _____.
A. gilbreths
B. time frames
C. therbligs
D. units
Abraham Maslow proposed the ____.
Abraham Maslow proposed the ____.
A. hierarchy of human needs
B. Hawthorne effect
C. hierarchy of production
D. self-managed teams
E. worker...
Changes in the economic, political, legal, and technological global system that may affect an organization are ______ forces.
Changes in the economic, political, legal, and technological global system that may affect an organization are ______ forces.
A. local
B. demographic
Quotas are designed to prevent _____.
Quotas are designed to prevent _____.
A. outsourcing
B. tariffs
C. exporting
D. an embargo
E. dumping
Answer: ...
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