Home networking is predicted to be the wave of the future. Microprocessors can be used to run up to85 different appliances and such in the average home. You will be able to set a program to record a television show, check to see if you turned off your curling iron, turn on and off lights, and do hundreds of other similar tasks from wherever you happen to be. This change in the _____ environment will influence all kinds of businesses from appliance manufacturers to security systems.

Home networking is predicted to be the wave of the future. Microprocessors can be used to run up to85 different appliances and such in the average home. You will be able to set a program to record a television show, check to see if you turned off your curling iron, turn on and off lights, and do hundreds of other similar tasks from wherever you happen to be. This change in the _____ environment will influence all kinds of businesses from appliance manufacturers to security systems.






Answer: A

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