Victoria Hastings works as a sales manager at a bank and her behavior is characterized by the fundamental attribution error and halo effect. Explain with the help of an example what Hastings' behavior is most likely to be toward her team in such a situation.

Victoria Hastings works as a sales manager at a bank and her behavior is characterized by the fundamental attribution error and halo effect. Explain with the help of an example what Hastings' behavior is most likely to be toward her team in such a situation.

A person who is characterized by the fundamental attribution error has a tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others. This explains why Hastings, who is characterized by the fundamental attribution error, is most likely to blame her employees for underperformance even when they are achieving reasonable objectives during an economic meltdown. A person who is characterized by the halo effect has a tendency to form a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic. In this situation, Hastings may assume that a team member is a prospective project manager just because she has strong networking skills. On the other hand, she may form a negative impression about a team member who does not actively participate in meetings as someone who is not dedicated and interested in her job.

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