What are the various dimensions of the job characteristics model?

What are the various dimensions of the job characteristics model?

J. Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham developed the job characteristics model (JCM), which proposes that we can describe any job in terms of five core job dimensions. These are explained below.

a) Skill variety is the degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities so the worker can use a number of different skills and talent.

b) Task identity is the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work.

c) Task significance is the degree to which a job affects the lives or work of other people.

d) Autonomy is the degree to which a job provides the worker freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling work and determining the procedures in carrying it out.

e) Feedback is the degree to which carrying out work activities generates direct and clear information about one's own performance.

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