Which of the following are true regarding an autonumber field?

Which of the following are true regarding an autonumber field?

A. The data in any auto-number field remains unchanged if you change to a text field
B. Data contained in a text field will not be deleted when you change it to auto number
C. All records created while the field was an auto number field will be deleted
D. None of the above


A. The data in any auto-number field remains unchanged if you change to a text field
B. Data contained in a text field will not be deleted when you change it to auto number

The data in any auto-number field remains unchanged if you convert it into a text field. Also, you can safely convert a text custom field into an auto-number field without losing your data.
Converting an auto-number field into any other data type results in data loss. Auto-number fields can contain a maximum of 30 characters. Before converting a text custom field into an auto-number field, change any records that contain more than 30 characters in that field.

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