Enterprise resource planning (ERP):

Enterprise resource planning (ERP): A) seldom requires software upgrade or enhancement. B) does not integrate well with functional areas other than...

Distribution resource planning (DRP) is:

Distribution resource planning (DRP) is: A) a transportation plan to ship materials to warehouses. B) a time-phased stock replenishment plan for all...

MRP II is accurately described as:

MRP II is accurately described as: A) MRP software designed for services. B) MRP with a new set of computer programs that execute on microcomputers. C)...

Capacity planning in closed-loop MRP:

Capacity planning in closed-loop MRP: A) utilizes feedback about workload from each work center. B) may make use of resource requirements profiles...

What does the POQ interval equal?

What does the POQ interval equal? A) the number of periods of average demand covered by the safety stock B) the same number of periods that are on...

In MRP, system nervousness is caused by:

In MRP, system nervousness is caused by: A) management's attempt to continually respond to minor changes in production requirements. B) the use of...

Low-level coding means that:

Low-level coding means that: A) a final item has only a few levels in the BOM structure. B) the code being used is the code for the lowest level in...

Process redesign:

Process redesign: A) is the fundamental rethinking of business processes. B) is sometimes called process reengineering. C) tries to bring about dramatic...

Advances in technology:

Advances in technology: A) have impacted the manufacturing sector only. B) have had only a limited impact on services. C) have failed to change the...

Service blueprinting:

Service blueprinting: A) provides the basis to negotiate prices with suppliers. B) mimics the way people communicate. C) determines the best time...

Value-stream mapping:

Value-stream mapping: A) is a variation of time-function mapping. B) examines the supply chain to determine where value is added. C) extends time...

Product focused processes:

Product focused processes: A) allow more customization, but are not very efficient. B) are desirable because resource needs increase slowly with the...

A quasi-custom product:

A quasi-custom product: A) gets its apparent customization from the combinations available from a small number of modules. B) is often the output...

Harley Davidson:

Harley Davidson: A) utilizes job shops to make each of its modules. B) uses product focused manufacturing. C) uses a large number of modules to build...

Arnold Palmer Hospital uses which focus?

Arnold Palmer Hospital uses which focus? A) process B) repetitive C) product D) mass customization E) A and D Answer: ...

An assembly line is an example of a:

An assembly line is an example of a: A) product-focused process. B) process-focused process. C) repetitive process. D) line process. E) specialized...

Three of the four types of processes are:

Three of the four types of processes are: A) goods, services, and hybrids. B) manual, automated, and service. C) process focus, repetitive focus,...

A job shop is an example of a(n):

A job shop is an example of a(n): A) repetitive process. B) continuous process. C) line process. D) intermittent process. E) specialized process...

A recent consumer survey conducted for a car dealership indicates that, when buying a car, customers are primarily concerned with the salesperson's ability to explain the car's features, the salesperson's friendliness, and the dealer's honesty. The dealership should be ESPECIALLY concerned with which determinants of service quality?

A recent consumer survey conducted for a car dealership indicates that, when buying a car, customers are primarily concerned with the salesperson's...

A checklist is a type of:

A checklist is a type of: A) poka-yoke. B) kaizen. C) kanban. D) Pareto chart E) flowchart Answer: ...

Poka-yoke is the Japanese term for:

Poka-yoke is the Japanese term for: A) card. B) foolproof. C) continuous improvement. D) fishbone diagram. E) just-in-time production. Answer:&...

The goal of inspection is to:

The goal of inspection is to: A) detect a bad process immediately. B) add value to a product or service. C) correct deficiencies in products. D) correct...

A fishbone chart is also known as a:

A fishbone chart is also known as a: A) cause-and-effect diagram. B) poka-yoke diagram. C) Kaizen diagram. D) Kanban diagram. E) Taguchi diagram....

A customer service manager at a retail clothing store has collected numerous customer complaints from the forms they fill out on merchandise returns. To analyze trends or patterns in these returns, she has organized these complaints into a small number of sources or factors. This is most closely related to the ________ tool of TQM.

A customer service manager at a retail clothing store has collected numerous customer complaints from the forms they fill out on merchandise returns....

The "four Ms" of cause-and-effect diagrams are:

The "four Ms" of cause-and-effect diagrams are: A) material, machinery/equipment, manpower, and methods. B) material, methods, men, and mental attitude. C)...

Pareto charts are used to:

Pareto charts are used to: A) identify inspection points in a process. B) outline production schedules. C) organize errors, problems, or defects. D)...

Members of quality circles are:

Members of quality circles are: A) paid according to their contribution to quality. B) external consultants designed to provide training in the use...

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning:

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning: A) a foolproof mechanism. B) just-in-time (JIT). C) a fishbone diagram. D) setting standards. E) continuous im...

Total quality management emphasizes:

Total quality management emphasizes: A) the responsibility of the quality control staff to identify and solve all quality-related problems. B) a commitment...

The philosophy of zero defects is:

The philosophy of zero defects is: A) the result of Deming's research. B) unrealistic. C) prohibitively costly. D) an ultimate goal; in practice,...

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Which of the following statements is NOT true? A) Self-promotion is not a substitute for quality products. B) Inferior products harm a firm's profitability...

"Making it right the first time" is:

"Making it right the first time" is: A) an unrealistic definition of quality. B) a user-based definition of quality. C) a manufacturing-based definition...

"Quality lies in the eyes of the beholder" is:

"Quality lies in the eyes of the beholder" is: A) an unrealistic definition of quality. B) a user-based definition of quality. C) a manufacturing-based...

What does UNFCCC stand for?

What does UNFCCC stand for? A) United National Federation Council on Climate Change B) UN Federation for Climate Change Cooperation C) Uniform National...

What does ISO stand for?

What does ISO stand for? A) Industry Standards Organization B) International Safety Organization C) Industrial Safety Organization D) International...

What are the 3 Rs for sustainability?

What are the 3 Rs for sustainability? A) reduce, reuse, and reclaim B) reduce, reproduce, and recycle C) reproduce, reuse, and recycle D) reduce,...

What refers to how companies remain in business?

What refers to how companies remain in business? A) corporate social responsibility B) economic sustainability C) carbon footprint D) sustainability E)...

What does CSR stand for?

What does CSR stand for? A) consumer sustainability requirements B) critical sustainability ratio C) corporate social responsibility D) corporate...

The acronym MNC stands for

The acronym MNC stands for A) Mexican National Committee (for international trade) B) Maquiladora Negates Competition C) Maytag-Nestlé Corporation D)...

Advantages of outsourcing do NOT include:

Advantages of outsourcing do NOT include: A) cost savings. B) gaining outside expertise. C) maintaining a focus on core competencies. D) accessing...

Outsourcing manufacturing is also known as:

Outsourcing manufacturing is also known as: A) license manufacturing. B) sublease manufacturing. C) concurrent manufacturing. D) hollow manufacturing. E)...

Which of the following statements is most correct?

Which of the following statements is most correct? A) KSFs are often necessary, but not sufficient for competitive advantage. B) KSFs are often sufficient,...

Response-based competitive advantage can be:

Response-based competitive advantage can be: A) flexible response. B) reliable response. C) quick response. D) all of the above. E) none of the a...

Experience differentiation:

Experience differentiation: A) isolates the consumer from the delivery of a service. B) is an extension of product differentiation in the service...

A strategy is a(n):

A strategy is a(n): A) set of opportunities in the marketplace. B) broad statement of purpose. C) simulation used to test various product line options. D)...

Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true? A) Corporate mission is shaped by functional strategies. B) Corporate strategy is shaped by functional...