A key approach for a company to grow sales and profits in several country markets is to
A. transfer its valuable competencies and resource strengths...
Transferring core competencies and resource strengths from one country market to another is
Transferring core competencies and resource strengths from one country market to another is
A. a good way for companies to develop broader or...
Dispersing particular value chain activities across many countries rather than concentrating them in a select few countries can be more advantageous except when
Dispersing particular value chain activities across many countries rather than concentrating them in a select few countries can be more advantageous...
The competitive advantage opportunities that a global competitor can gain by dispersing performance of its activities across many nations include all of the following Except:
The competitive advantage opportunities that a global competitor can gain by dispersing performance of its activities across many nations include all...
Dispersing the performance of value chain activities to many different countries rather than concentrating them in a few country locations tends to be advantageous
Dispersing the performance of value chain activities to many different countries rather than concentrating them in a few country locations tends to...
In which of the following circumstances is it advantageous for a multinational competitor to concentrate its activities in a limited number of locations in order to build competitive advantage?
In which of the following circumstances is it advantageous for a multinational competitor to concentrate its activities in a limited number of locations...
In competing in foreign markets, companies find it advantageous to concentrate their activities in a limited number of locations when:
In competing in foreign markets, companies find it advantageous to concentrate their activities in a limited number of locations when:
A. there...
To use location to build competitive advantage when competing in both domestic and foreign markets, a company must:
To use location to build competitive advantage when competing in both domestic and foreign markets, a company must:
A. scatter its production...
To use location to build competitive advantage, a company that operates transnationally or globally must:
To use location to build competitive advantage, a company that operates transnationally or globally must:
A. employ either an export strategy...
Which one of the following is NOT one of the ways a company can strive to gain competitive advantage (or offset domestic disadvantages) by expanding into foreign markets?
Which one of the following is NOT one of the ways a company can strive to gain competitive advantage (or offset domestic disadvantages) by expanding...
In expanding into foreign markets, a company can strive to gain competitive advantage (or offset domestic disadvantages) by:
In expanding into foreign markets, a company can strive to gain competitive advantage (or offset domestic disadvantages) by:
A. building a state-of-the-art...
Companies that compete internationally can pursue competitive advantage in world markets (or offset domestic disadvantages) by:
Companies that compete internationally can pursue competitive advantage in world markets (or offset domestic disadvantages) by:
A. using a differentiation-based...
What strategy is considered more conducive to transferring and leveraging subsidiary skills and capabilities across borders?
What strategy is considered more conducive to transferring and leveraging subsidiary skills and capabilities across borders?
A. A transnational...
Companies often implement a transnational strategy because:
Companies often implement a transnational strategy because:
A. it combines flexible coordination with the pursuit of conflicting objectives...
A strategy that incorporates elements of both multidomestic and global strategies is termed a "transnational" strategy, but sometimes it is referred to as what?
A strategy that incorporates elements of both multidomestic and global strategies is termed a "transnational" strategy, but sometimes it is referred...
There are a number of advantages to executing a global strategy, but there are also drawbacks that can make the strategy difficult to execute. A primary drawback of a global strategy is that it:
There are a number of advantages to executing a global strategy, but there are also drawbacks that can make the strategy difficult to execute. A primary...
The essential difference between a "think global, act global" and a "think global, act local" approach to strategy-making is that:
The essential difference between a "think global, act global" and a "think global, act local" approach to strategy-making is that:
A. a "think...
The competitive strategy of a firm pursuing a "think global, act local" approach to strategy-making:
The competitive strategy of a firm pursuing a "think global, act local" approach to strategy-making:
A. entails little or no strategy coordination...
The approach of a firm using a "think global, act local" version of a global strategy entails:
The approach of a firm using a "think global, act local" version of a global strategy entails:
A. producing and marketing a variety of product...
Which of the following is the most unlikely element of a "think global, act global" approach to crafting a global strategy?
Which of the following is the most unlikely element of a "think global, act global" approach to crafting a global strategy?
A. Minimal responsiveness...
A "think global, act global" approach to crafting a global strategy involves:
A "think global, act global" approach to crafting a global strategy involves:
A. pursuing the same basic competitive strategic theme (low cost,...
Which of the following does NOT accurately characterize the differences between a localized multidomestic strategy and a global strategy?
Which of the following does NOT accurately characterize the differences between a localized multidomestic strategy and a global strategy?
A "think global, act global" approach to strategy-making is preferable to a "think local, act local" approach when:
A "think global, act global" approach to strategy-making is preferable to a "think local, act local" approach when:
A. a big majority of the...
What is the best way to achieving the efficiency potential of a global strategy?
What is the best way to achieving the efficiency potential of a global strategy?
A. It demands managerial attention to be focused on objective-setting...
A think-global, act-global strategic theme puts emphasis on:
A think-global, act-global strategic theme puts emphasis on:
A. executing a global domination strategy that focuses the company's resource strengths...
A global strategy is one in which a company:
A global strategy is one in which a company:
A. employs the same basic competitive approach in all countries where it operates.
B. sells much...
A global strategy allows for:
A global strategy allows for:
A. the leading companies to compete for the biggest share of the world market, but only occasionally compete head...
What are two drawbacks of a "think local, act local" multidomestic strategy?
What are two drawbacks of a "think local, act local" multidomestic strategy?
A. The especially high vulnerability to fluctuating exchange rates...
What is a primary drawback of a localized multidomestic strategy?
What is a primary drawback of a localized multidomestic strategy?
A. It hinders the use of cross-border coordination of a company's activities...
In which of the following situations is employing a "think local, act local" multidomestic strategy highly questionable?
In which of the following situations is employing a "think local, act local" multidomestic strategy highly questionable?
A. When a company desires...
A "think-local, act local" multidomestic strategy entails:
A "think-local, act local" multidomestic strategy entails:
A. a narrow product line aimed at serving buyers in the same segments of country...
A "think local, act local" multidomestic strategy works particularly well when:
A "think local, act local" multidomestic strategy works particularly well when:
A. host governments enact regulations requiring that products...
The strength of a "think local, act local" multidomestic strategy is that:
The strength of a "think local, act local" multidomestic strategy is that:
A. it matches a company's competitive approach to prevailing market...
A "think local, act local" multidomestic type of strategy:
A "think local, act local" multidomestic type of strategy:
A. is very risky, given fluctuating exchange rates and the propensity of foreign...
When a company operates in the markets of two or more different countries, its foremost strategic issue is:
When a company operates in the markets of two or more different countries, its foremost strategic issue is:
A. whether to use strategic alliances...
Which of the following is the most unlikely element of a localized multidomestic strategy?
Which of the following is the most unlikely element of a localized multidomestic strategy?
A. Granting country managers fairly wide strategy-making...
The characteristics of a world market where global competition prevails include:
The characteristics of a world market where global competition prevails include:
A. a market situation where competitive conditions across national...
Which of the following statements regarding multidomestic and global competition is false?
Which of the following statements regarding multidomestic and global competition is false?
A. In global competition, rivals vie for worldwide...
Which of the following statements regarding global competition is false?
Which of the following statements regarding global competition is false?
A. In global competition, rivals vie for worldwide market leadership.
When is a think-local, act-local approach to strategy making appropriate?
When is a think-local, act-local approach to strategy making appropriate?
A. When the need for local responsiveness is minimal and when potential...
A multidomestic strategy represents:
A multidomestic strategy represents:
A. a think-local, act-local approach to international strategy.
B. a sound approach when decision-making...
Multidomestic competition is best characterized as a situation where:
Multidomestic competition is best characterized as a situation where:
A. the competitive arena among rival companies involves several neighboring...
Multidomestic competition refers to situations where:
Multidomestic competition refers to situations where:
A. no domestic companies have very large market shares and each national market has many...
Which of the following statements regarding multidomestic competition is false?
Which of the following statements regarding multidomestic competition is false?
A. One of the features of multidomestic competition is that...
Which of the following are NOT generic strategy options for competing in foreign markets?
Which of the following are NOT generic strategy options for competing in foreign markets?
A. A multidomestic strategy.
B. Global strategies...
Which of the following is NOT one of the strategy options for competing in the markets of foreign countries?
Which of the following is NOT one of the strategy options for competing in the markets of foreign countries?
A. A profit sanctuary strategy.
What is the foremost strategic issue that must be addressed by firms when operating in two or more foreign markets?
What is the foremost strategic issue that must be addressed by firms when operating in two or more foreign markets?
A. Deciding on the degree...
Cross-border alliances between domestic and foreign firms are more effective in:
Cross-border alliances between domestic and foreign firms are more effective in:
A. building multiple profit sanctuaries than in forging a mutually...
The risks of strategic alliances often include partners discovering they have:
The risks of strategic alliances often include partners discovering they have:
A. conflicting objectives and strategies.
B. deep differences...
What makes cross-border alliances an attractive strategic means of gaining a foothold in foreign markets?
What makes cross-border alliances an attractive strategic means of gaining a foothold in foreign markets?
A. Alliances provide the flexibility...
Which of the following is the role played by local managers within experienced multinational companies?
Which of the following is the role played by local managers within experienced multinational companies?
A. To contribute needed understanding...
Which of the following is NOT one of the problems and risks of cross-border alliances between domestic and foreign firms?
Which of the following is NOT one of the problems and risks of cross-border alliances between domestic and foreign firms?
A. Overcoming language...
Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of cross-border strategic alliances or other cooperative arrangements between foreign and domestic companies?
Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of cross-border strategic alliances or other cooperative arrangements between foreign and domestic...
Strategic alliances, joint ventures, and cooperative agreements between domestic and foreign firms are a potentially fruitful means for the partners to:
Strategic alliances, joint ventures, and cooperative agreements between domestic and foreign firms are a potentially fruitful means for the partners...
Which of the following is one of the four conditions that make an internal startup strategy appealing over an acquisition?
Which of the following is one of the four conditions that make an internal startup strategy appealing over an acquisition?
A. When an internal...
Greenfield ventures, like all market entry strategies can pose serious problems to achieving foreign market entry success. What is not deemed a barrier to success?
Greenfield ventures, like all market entry strategies can pose serious problems to achieving foreign market entry success. What is not deemed a barrier...
A Greenfield venture in a foreign market is one:
A Greenfield venture in a foreign market is one:
A. where the company creates a wholly owned subsidiary business by setting up all aspects of...
The big issue an acquisition-minded firm must consider is whether strategically:
The big issue an acquisition-minded firm must consider is whether strategically:
A. to acquire the firm at a price that is prohibitive—in other...
The advantages of using an acquisition strategy to pursue opportunities in foreign markets include:
The advantages of using an acquisition strategy to pursue opportunities in foreign markets include:
A. having a high level of control and speed as...
The big problem a franchisor faces is:
The big problem a franchisor faces is:
A. allowing franchisees to achieve scale economies.
B. maintaining quality control due to a lack of...
The advantages of using a franchising strategy to pursue opportunities in foreign markets include:
The advantages of using a franchising strategy to pursue opportunities in foreign markets include:
A. having franchisees bear most of the costs and...
A primary disadvantage of a licensing strategy is the need to:
A primary disadvantage of a licensing strategy is the need to:
A. monitor the licensing agreement.
B. safeguard the company's proprietary know-how.
The advantages of using a licensing strategy to participate in foreign markets include:
The advantages of using a licensing strategy to participate in foreign markets include:
A. being especially well-suited to achieve scale economies.
An export strategy is vulnerable except when an exporter is:
An export strategy is vulnerable except when an exporter is:
A. exposed to higher manufacturing costs in the home country than in foreign countries...
Which of the following is false as concerns use of an export strategy to compete in foreign markets?
Which of the following is false as concerns use of an export strategy to compete in foreign markets?
A. One advantage of an export strategy...
The advantages of using an export strategy to build a customer base in foreign markets include:
The advantages of using an export strategy to build a customer base in foreign markets include:
A. being able to minimize shipping costs, avoiding...
Using domestic plants as a production base for exporting goods to selected foreign country markets:
Using domestic plants as a production base for exporting goods to selected foreign country markets:
A. can be an excellent initial strategy...
Which of the following factors does not determine whether to employ the entry strategy options?
Which of the following factors does not determine whether to employ the entry strategy options?
A. Cross-border transfer activities and home...
Which of the following is not a generic strategy option for entering into foreign markets?
Which of the following is not a generic strategy option for entering into foreign markets?
A. Maintaining a national (one-country) production...
The primary strategic options for entering foreign markets, depends on the firm's wherewithal to:
The primary strategic options for entering foreign markets, depends on the firm's wherewithal to:
A. rely on strategic alliances or joint ventures...
Companies operating in an international marketplace have to respond to:
Companies operating in an international marketplace have to respond to:
A. whether to customize their offerings in each different country market...
The competitiveness of any company's facilities in any country is partly dependent upon:
The competitiveness of any company's facilities in any country is partly dependent upon:
A. whether exchange rate changes over time have a favorable...
A weaker U.S. dollar is an economically favorable exchange-rate shift for manufacturing plants based in the United States.
A weaker U.S. dollar is an economically favorable exchange-rate shift for manufacturing plants based in the United States.
A. This is a true...
Which of the following statements about fluctuating exchange rates and the related effects on companies competing in foreign markets is true?
Which of the following statements about fluctuating exchange rates and the related effects on companies competing in foreign markets is true?
Which of the following statements concerning the effects of fluctuating exchange rates on companies competing in foreign markets is true?
Which of the following statements concerning the effects of fluctuating exchange rates on companies competing in foreign markets is true?
Which of the following statements concerning the effects of fluctuating exchange rates on companies competing in foreign markets is NOT accurate?
Which of the following statements concerning the effects of fluctuating exchange rates on companies competing in foreign markets is NOT accurate?
The advantages of manufacturing goods in a particular country and exporting them to foreign markets:
The advantages of manufacturing goods in a particular country and exporting them to foreign markets:
A. are largely unaffected by fluctuating...
One of the big risks of competing in foreign markets is:
One of the big risks of competing in foreign markets is:
A. the extent to which the advantages of exporting goods from a particular country...
A European-based company that makes all of its goods at a plant in Brazil and then exports the Brazilian-made goods to country markets in many different parts of the world:
A European-based company that makes all of its goods at a plant in Brazil and then exports the Brazilian-made goods to country markets in many different...
A U.S. company that makes all of its goods at a plant in Brazil and then exports the Brazilian-made goods to country markets across the world:
A U.S. company that makes all of its goods at a plant in Brazil and then exports the Brazilian-made goods to country markets across the world:
A European manufacturer that exports goods made at its European plants to the United States:
A European manufacturer that exports goods made at its European plants to the United States:
A. is competitively disadvantaged when the euro declines...
A U.S. manufacturer that exports goods made at its U.S. plants for shipment to foreign markets:
A U.S. manufacturer that exports goods made at its U.S. plants for shipment to foreign markets:
A. is competitively disadvantaged when the U.S. dollar...
The difference between political risks and economic risks is that:
The difference between political risks and economic risks is that:
A. political risks stem from instability or weakness in national governments,...
Which of the following is NOT a typical host government requirement that affects the operations of foreign companies?
Which of the following is NOT a typical host government requirement that affects the operations of foreign companies?
A. Establishing local...
Cross-country variations in government policies and economic conditions affect:
Cross-country variations in government policies and economic conditions affect:
A. the formation of investment priorities and the steering of...
When can companies gain competitive advantage over those rivals with plants in countries where costs are high?
When can companies gain competitive advantage over those rivals with plants in countries where costs are high?
A. When companies have production...
One important concern a company has in trying to compete successfully in foreign markets is:
One important concern a company has in trying to compete successfully in foreign markets is:
A. convincing shippers to keep cross-country transportation...
The diamond framework is an aid in deciding/revealing:
The diamond framework is an aid in deciding/revealing:
A. the appropriate level of competition one can expect.
B. the basis of the new rival's...
The diamond framework can be used to reveal the answers to all of the following that are important for competing on an international basis EXCEPT:
The diamond framework can be used to reveal the answers to all of the following that are important for competing on an international basis EXCEPT:
For a company to create a home country advantage and become competitively strong in a foreign market, it should base its strategy around which of the following factors?
For a company to create a home country advantage and become competitively strong in a foreign market, it should base its strategy around which of the...
Which of the following factors is NOT a factor analyzed and relied on by firms when developing competitive strength in a foreign market?
Which of the following factors is NOT a factor analyzed and relied on by firms when developing competitive strength in a foreign market?
What is the framework that comprises a set of major factors (that vary from country to country) that describe the nature of each country's business environment?
What is the framework that comprises a set of major factors (that vary from country to country) that describe the nature of each country's business...
One of the biggest strategic challenges to competing in the international arena includes:
One of the biggest strategic challenges to competing in the international arena includes:
A. ways to avoid the risks of shifting exchange rates.
Competing in the markets of foreign countries generally does NOT involve which of the following?
Competing in the markets of foreign countries generally does NOT involve which of the following?
A. Country-to-country differences in consumer...
Competing in the markets of foreign countries entails dealing with such factors as:
Competing in the markets of foreign countries entails dealing with such factors as:
A. fluctuating exchange rates, country-to-country parallels...
Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement as concerns competing in the markets of foreign countries?
Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement as concerns competing in the markets of foreign countries?
A. A multi-country strategy is...
Which of the following is NOT a reason why crafting a strategy to compete in one or more foreign markets is inherently complex?
Which of the following is NOT a reason why crafting a strategy to compete in one or more foreign markets is inherently complex?
A. Because factors...
Which one of the following is NOT a reason why a company decides to enter foreign markets?
Which one of the following is NOT a reason why a company decides to enter foreign markets?
A. To spread business risk across a wider geographic...
Why do companies decide to enter a market?
Why do companies decide to enter a market?
A. To capture economies of scale in product development, manufacturing, or marketing.
B. To raise...
Which of the following is NOT a typical reason for companies to expand into the markets of foreign countries?
Which of the following is NOT a typical reason for companies to expand into the markets of foreign countries?
A. To gain access to new customers,...
The reasons why a company opts to expand outside its home market include all of the following EXCEPT:
The reasons why a company opts to expand outside its home market include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. gaining access to new customers for...
The reason the world economy is globalizing at an accelerated pace is because:
The reason the world economy is globalizing at an accelerated pace is because:
A. countries previously open to foreign companies have opened...
What areas should be considered to be included in a Process Improvement Plan?
What areas should be considered to be included in a Process Improvement Plan?
A. Targets for improved performance
B. WBS and WBS dictionary
C. Coding...
What is the tool and technique involved in choosing part of population for inspection?
What is the tool and technique involved in choosing part of population for inspection?
A. Benchmarking
B. Cost-Benefit Analysis
C. Statistical Sampling
"What is the common point between Histogram and Pareto chart?"
"What is the common point between Histogram and Pareto chart?"
A. It considers the influence of time
B. It is a special form of bar chart
C. It describes...
Which of the following is an example of checksheets?
Which of the following is an example of checksheets?
A. Severity of defects
B. Frequency of defects
C. Priority of defects
D. Category of defects...
What are Checksheets also known as?
What are Checksheets also known as?
A. Ask sheets
B. Question sheets
C. Tally sheets
D. Spreadsheets"
Answer: ...
When is a process considered out of control?
When is a process considered out of control?
A. A data point exceeds a control limit
B. Seven consecutive plot points are above the mean
C. Seven...
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