Surveys that directly ask employees how important pay is to them are likely to overestimate pay's True importance in actual decisions.
Answer: F...
Most employees prefer variable pay systems (e.g., incentive schemes, gain sharing, stock options) to fixed pay systems.
Most employees prefer variable pay systems (e.g., incentive schemes, gain sharing, stock options) to fixed pay systems.
Answer: Fals...
Talking about salary issues during performance appraisals tends to hurt morale and future performance.
Talking about salary issues during performance appraisals tends to hurt morale and future performance.
Answer: Fals...
New companies have a better chance of surviving if all employees receive incentives based on organization-wide performance.
New companies have a better chance of surviving if all employees receive incentives based on organization-wide performance.
Answer: Tru...
There is a positive relationship between the proportion of managers receiving organizationally based pay incentives and company profitability.
There is a positive relationship between the proportion of managers receiving organizationally based pay incentives and company profitability.
Merit pay systems cause so many problems that companies without them tend to have higher performance than companies with them.
Merit pay systems cause so many problems that companies without them tend to have higher performance than companies with them.
Answer: Fals...
Most employees prefer to be paid on the basis of individual performance rather than on team or organizational performance.
Most employees prefer to be paid on the basis of individual performance rather than on team or organizational performance.
Answer: Tru...
When pay must be reduced or frozen, there is little a company can do or say to reduce employee dissatisfaction and dysfunctional behaviors.
When pay must be reduced or frozen, there is little a company can do or say to reduce employee dissatisfaction and dysfunctional behaviors.
Companies that screen job applicants for values have higher performance than those that screen for intelligence.
Companies that screen job applicants for values have higher performance than those that screen for intelligence.
Answer: Fals...
On average, conscientiousness is a better predictor of job performance than is intelligence.
On average, conscientiousness is a better predictor of job performance than is intelligence.
Answer: Fals...
One problem with using integrity tests is that they have high degrees of adverse impact on racial minorities.
One problem with using integrity tests is that they have high degrees of adverse impact on racial minorities.
Answer: Fals...
Although there are "integrity tests" that try to predict whether someone will steal, be absent, or otherwise take advantage of an employer, they don't work well in practice because so many people lie on them.
Although there are "integrity tests" that try to predict whether someone will steal, be absent, or otherwise take advantage of an employer, they don't...
There is very little difference among personality inventories in terms of how well they predict an applicant's likely job performance.
There is very little difference among personality inventories in terms of how well they predict an applicant's likely job performance.
Answer: F...
Being very intelligent is actually a disadvantage for performing well on a low-skilled job.
Being very intelligent is actually a disadvantage for performing well on a low-skilled job.
Answer: Fals...
On average, applicants who answer job advertisements are likely to have higher turnover than those referred by other employees.
On average, applicants who answer job advertisements are likely to have higher turnover than those referred by other employees.
Answer: Tru...
Although people use many different terms to describe personalities, there are really only four basic dimensions of personality, as captured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
Although people use many different terms to describe personalities, there are really only four basic dimensions of personality, as captured by the Myers-Briggs...
The most valid employment interviews are designed around each candidate's unique background.
The most valid employment interviews are designed around each candidate's unique background.
Answer: Fals...
Training for simple skills will be more effective if it is presented in one concentrated session than if it is presented in several sessions over time.
Training for simple skills will be more effective if it is presented in one concentrated session than if it is presented in several sessions over time.
The most important determinant of how much training employees actually use on their jobs is how much they learned during training.
The most important determinant of how much training employees actually use on their jobs is how much they learned during training.
Answer: Fals...
Older adults learn more from training than younger adults.
Older adults learn more from training than younger adults.
Answer: Fals...
Lecture-based training is generally superior to other forms of training delivery.
Lecture-based training is generally superior to other forms of training delivery.
Answer: Fals...
Most errors in performance appraisals can be eliminated by providing training that describes the kinds of errors managers tend to make and suggesting ways to avoid them.
Most errors in performance appraisals can be eliminated by providing training that describes the kinds of errors managers tend to make and suggesting...
Most people over-evaluate how well they perform on the job.
Most people over-evaluate how well they perform on the job.
Answer: Tru...
Despite the popularity of drug testing, there is no clear evidence that applicants who score positive on drug tests are any less reliable or productive employees.
Despite the popularity of drug testing, there is no clear evidence that applicants who score positive on drug tests are any less reliable or productive...
Teams with members from different functional areas are likely to reach better solutions to complex problems than teams from a single area.
Teams with members from different functional areas are likely to reach better solutions to complex problems than teams from a single area.
Poor performers are generally more realistic about their performance than good performers are.
Poor performers are generally more realistic about their performance than good performers are.
Answer: Fals...
Most managers give employees lower performance appraisals than they objectively deserve.
Most managers give employees lower performance appraisals than they objectively deserve.
Answer: Fals...
On average, encouraging employees to participate in decision making is more effective for improving organizational performance than setting performance goals.
On average, encouraging employees to participate in decision making is more effective for improving organizational performance than setting performance...
In order to be evaluated favorably by line managers, the most important competency for HR managers is the ability to manage change.
In order to be evaluated favorably by line managers, the most important competency for HR managers is the ability to manage change.
Answer: Tru...
If a company feels it must downsize employees, the most profitable way to do it is through targeted cuts rather than attrition.
If a company feels it must downsize employees, the most profitable way to do it is through targeted cuts rather than attrition.
Answer: Tru...
Companies with very low rates of professional turnover are less profitable than those with moderate turnover rates.
Companies with very low rates of professional turnover are less profitable than those with moderate turnover rates.
Answer: Fals...
Companies with vision statements perform better than those without them.
Companies with vision statements perform better than those without them.
Answer: Tru...
Once employees have mastered a task, they perform better when they are told to "do their best" than when they are given specific, difficult performance goals.
Once employees have mastered a task, they perform better when they are told to "do their best" than when they are given specific, difficult performance...
The most important requirement for an effective leader is to have an outgoing, enthusiastic personality.
The most important requirement for an effective leader is to have an outgoing, enthusiastic personality.
Answer: Fals...
Leadership training is ineffective because good leaders are born, not made.
Leadership training is ineffective because good leaders are born, not made.
Answer: Fals...
Which of the following statements regarding sales organization structure is false?
Which of the following statements regarding sales organization structure is false?
a) The sales organization structure helps salespeople and...
Although questions related to age, height, and weight should not be asked on a job application, it is perfectly acceptable to request information related to a military discharge and which holidays are observed by candidates.
Although questions related to age, height, and weight should not be asked on a job application, it is perfectly acceptable to request information related...
The specific reason for not hiring a candidate must be given, if requested.
The specific reason for not hiring a candidate must be given, if requested.
Answer: Fal...
The radial search for referrals is a method of reference checking that requires getting additional references from the second-party references.
The radial search for referrals is a method of reference checking that requires getting additional references from the second-party references.
When conducting a background check it is good advice to be wary of first-party references.
When conducting a background check it is good advice to be wary of first-party references.
Answer: Tr...
A market bonus is a one time payment to highly qualified salespeople that recognizes an existing imbalance in supply and demand in a given labor market.
A market bonus is a one time payment to highly qualified salespeople that recognizes an existing imbalance in supply and demand in a given labor market.
In communicating with those offered jobs, it is now appropriate for the sales manager to "sell" the prospective salesperson on joining the firm.
In communicating with those offered jobs, it is now appropriate for the sales manager to "sell" the prospective salesperson on joining the firm.
Some candidates may be "put on hold" until the top candidates have made their decisions about accepting the position.
Some candidates may be "put on hold" until the top candidates have made their decisions about accepting the position.
Answer: Tr...
A company can test for drug use if the applicant is informed of the test prior to taking it, if the results are kept confidential, and drug testing is reasonably related to potential job functions.
A company can test for drug use if the applicant is informed of the test prior to taking it, if the results are kept confidential, and drug testing...
Requiring the job candidate to pass a physical examination is often a formal condition of employment.
Requiring the job candidate to pass a physical examination is often a formal condition of employment.
Answer: Tr...
When questioning references, avoid questions concerning arrests.
When questioning references, avoid questions concerning arrests.
Answer: Tr...
A valid reference check may be useful in helping a company prevent a lawsuit resulting from a negligent hire.
A valid reference check may be useful in helping a company prevent a lawsuit resulting from a negligent hire.
Answer: Tr...
References need not be checked because as one sales manager puts it, "Even the losers have three good references so I don't bother checking them."
References need not be checked because as one sales manager puts it, "Even the losers have three good references so I don't bother checking them."
The assessment center provides an efficient, low cost means for evaluating job candidates.
The assessment center provides an efficient, low cost means for evaluating job candidates.
Answer: Fal...
The members of a firm's assessment center are generally outside directors who perform this service for a fee.
The members of a firm's assessment center are generally outside directors who perform this service for a fee.
Answer: False
When selection tests are used, the hiring decision should be based solely on the test results.
When selection tests are used, the hiring decision should be based solely on the test results.
Answer: Fal...
Selection tests today are a valid and proven method of accurately predicting future job performance.
Selection tests today are a valid and proven method of accurately predicting future job performance.
Answer: Fal...
Selection tests can often be completed online at relatively little expense.
Selection tests can often be completed online at relatively little expense.
Answer: Tr...
Recruiters sometimes reject job candidates due to information about them found online.
Recruiters sometimes reject job candidates due to information about them found online.
Answer: Tr...
Valuable clues about the recruit may be gathered from the appearance and completeness of the resume.
Valuable clues about the recruit may be gathered from the appearance and completeness of the resume.
Answer: Tr...
Professional organizations are a viable source of sales recruits.
Professional organizations are a viable source of sales recruits.
Answer: Tr...
Several employers are brought together in one location for recruiting purposes by career fairs.
Several employers are brought together in one location for recruiting purposes by career fairs.
Answer: Tr...
A college campus recruiting method that is gaining in popularity is the sales internship.
A college campus recruiting method that is gaining in popularity is the sales internship.
Answer: Tr...
Resume search services match qualified candidates with firms.
Resume search services match qualified candidates with firms.
Answer: Tr...
A disadvantage of recruiting online is its relatively high cost.
A disadvantage of recruiting online is its relatively high cost.
Answer: Fal...
By setting specific objectives for recruiting and selection, sales managers can channel resources into priority areas and improve organizational and salesforce effectiveness.
By setting specific objectives for recruiting and selection, sales managers can channel resources into priority areas and improve organizational and...
One general recruitment and selection objective might be to reduce the number of underqualified or overqualified applicants.
One general recruitment and selection objective might be to reduce the number of underqualified or overqualified applicants.
Answer: Tr...
A job description may be used to aid in evaluating performance.
A job description may be used to aid in evaluating performance.
Answer: Tr...
A job description can be used to clarify duties and thereby reduce role ambiguity.
A job description can be used to clarify duties and thereby reduce role ambiguity.
Answer: Tr...
One common sales job qualification is the ability to work well under close supervision.
One common sales job qualification is the ability to work well under close supervision.
Answer: Fal...
A job analysis defines the expected behavior of salespeople.
A job analysis defines the expected behavior of salespeople.
Answer: Tr...
Job satisfaction and performance are related to the realism and congruence achieved during the recruiting and selection process.
Job satisfaction and performance are related to the realism and congruence achieved during the recruiting and selection process.
Answer: Tr...
Salesforce socialization begins when the sales recruit is hired by the firm and extends for as long as one month.
Salesforce socialization begins when the sales recruit is hired by the firm and extends for as long as one month.
Answer: Fal...
Salesforce performance will suffer if recruitment and selection are poorly executed.
Salesforce performance will suffer if recruitment and selection are poorly executed.
Answer: Tr...
One potential problem associated with inadequate recruiting and selection is higher turnover rates.
One potential problem associated with inadequate recruiting and selection is higher turnover rates.
Answer: Tr...
Which of the following statements regarding the stress interview is false?
Which of the following statements regarding the stress interview is false?
a. It is designed to put job candidates under extreme, unexpected psychological...
When questioning references, questions concerning all of the following should be avoided except
When questioning references, questions concerning all of the following should be avoided except
a. age.
b. arrests.
c. religion.
d. education.
A background investigation is generally performed
A background investigation is generally performed
a. after the initial interview.
b. before the intensive interview.
c. after the intensive interview.
Which of the following is not a recommended suggestion for improving the usefulness of tests to sales managers as selection tools?
Which of the following is not a recommended suggestion for improving the usefulness of tests to sales managers as selection tools?
a. Sales managers...
The __________ is usually designed to get an in-depth look at the candidate.
The __________ is usually designed to get an in-depth look at the candidate.
a. intensive interview
b. resume review
c. job application
d. letter...
In order to assess a sales candidate's follow-up skills, which of the following selection tools would be most appropriate?
In order to assess a sales candidate's follow-up skills, which of the following selection tools would be most appropriate?
a. Assessment center exercises...
Which of the following is not a recommendation when writing for an online recruitment ad?
Which of the following is not a recommendation when writing for an online recruitment ad?
a. Keep it brief.
b. Include key words and phrases.
c. Avoid...
Employees, such as salespeople, are a good source of job referrals because
Employees, such as salespeople, are a good source of job referrals because
a. if they like someone they are probably going to be able to work effectively...
______ refers to the aptitude, skills, knowledge, personal traits, and willingness to accept occupational conditions necessary to perform the job.
______ refers to the aptitude, skills, knowledge, personal traits, and willingness to accept occupational conditions necessary to perform the job.
A job analysis is
A job analysis is
a. an investigation of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of the job.
b. an analysis of the amount of stress inherent in the...
The third step in the process of recruiting and selecting salespeople is
The third step in the process of recruiting and selecting salespeople is
a. selection.
b. prospecting.
c. recruiting.
d. planning.
e. hiring.
All of the following are elements of the third and final step of the recruiting and selection process, except
All of the following are elements of the third and final step of the recruiting and selection process, except
a. background investigation.
b. physical...
The second step in the process of recruiting and selecting salespeople is
The second step in the process of recruiting and selecting salespeople is
a. selection.
b. prospecting.
c. recruitment.
d. planning.
e. hiring.
The first step in the process of recruiting and selecting salespeople is
The first step in the process of recruiting and selecting salespeople is
a. selection.
b. prospecting.
c. recruitment.
d. planning.
e. hiring.
The first step of the recruitment and selection process for salespeople involves all of the following activities except
The first step of the recruitment and selection process for salespeople involves all of the following activities except
a. establishing job qualifications.
_ is matching the capabilities of the recruit with the needs of the organization.
______ is matching the capabilities of the recruit with the needs of the organization.
a. Achieving congruence
b. Achieving realism
c. Achieving...
_____ is giving the recruit an accurate portrayal of the job.
_____ is giving the recruit an accurate portrayal of the job.
a. Achieving congruence
b. Achieving realism
c. Achieving self-esteem
d. Achieving...
Salesforce socialization refers to
Salesforce socialization refers to
a. the encouragement salespeople get to socialize with their colleagues after work hours.
b. the process by which...
Perhaps the most significant managerial problem that can arise from improper recruiting and selection of salespeople is
Perhaps the most significant managerial problem that can arise from improper recruiting and selection of salespeople is
a. total salesforce performance...
In most sales organizations, __________ have the ultimate responsibility for recruiting and selection.
In most sales organizations, __________ have the ultimate responsibility for recruiting and selection.
a. district sales managers
b. regional sales...
Which of the following is not one of the changes expected to impact salesforces today?
Which of the following is not one of the changes expected to impact salesforces today?
a. Salesforces will contain more elderly salespeople.
b. Sales...
Software is available that allows sales managers to evaluate many possible territory designs and to assess the impact of territory design changes easily.
Software is available that allows sales managers to evaluate many possible territory designs and to assess the impact of territory design changes easily.
Advances in computer hardware and software have made the task of territory design much simpler and less time consuming than in the past.
Advances in computer hardware and software have made the task of territory design much simpler and less time consuming than in the past.
When finalizing territory design, the objective is to achieve the best possible balance between opportunity and workload for each territory.
When finalizing territory design, the objective is to achieve the best possible balance between opportunity and workload for each territory.
In general, management should use the largest planning and control unit that is feasible.
In general, management should use the largest planning and control unit that is feasible.
Answer: False
The planning and control unit is some entity larger than a territory into which the firm's total market area is divided.
The planning and control unit is some entity larger than a territory into which the firm's total market area is divided.
Answer: Fal...
The first step in territory design is to analyze the planning and control unit opportunity.
The first step in territory design is to analyze the planning and control unit opportunity.
Answer: False
Research suggests that salespeople who are satisfied with the design of their sales territory work harder.
Research suggests that salespeople who are satisfied with the design of their sales territory work harder.
Answer: Tr...
Outsourcing the salesforce is an attractive option if a company needs salespeople quickly.
Outsourcing the salesforce is an attractive option if a company needs salespeople quickly.
Answer: Tr...
Increasing salesforce size at the right time can provide a firm with a competitive advantage.
Increasing salesforce size at the right time can provide a firm with a competitive advantage.
Answer: Tr...
Salesforce size decisions must also be consistent with the organizational strategy being implemented by a firm.
Salesforce size decisions must also be consistent with the organizational strategy being implemented by a firm.
Answer: Tr...
Accounts are more attractive the higher the account opportunity and the weaker the competitive position.
Accounts are more attractive the higher the account opportunity and the weaker the competitive position.
Answer: False
The allocation of selling effort is one of the most important salesforce deployment decisions.
The allocation of selling effort is one of the most important salesforce deployment decisions.
Answer: Tr...
High cost is one disadvantage of the market specialization sales organization structure.
High cost is one disadvantage of the market specialization sales organization structure.
Answer: Tr...
Strategic accounts can be served in only one of two ways: have the regular salespeople handle the account along with their other accounts or assign these accounts to sales executives along with their regular duties.
Strategic accounts can be served in only one of two ways: have the regular salespeople handle the account along with their other accounts or assign...
A strategic account is generally considered as one yielding a large amount of sales dollars and having a complex buying process.
A strategic account is generally considered as one yielding a large amount of sales dollars and having a complex buying process.
Answer: Tr...
The terms strategic account, key account and major account can be used interchangeably.
The terms strategic account, key account and major account can be used interchangeably.
Answer: Tr...
Market specialization will result in customer duplication, but not geographic duplication.
Market specialization will result in customer duplication, but not geographic duplication.
Answer: Fal...
In product specialization, salespeople are assigned specific types of customers and required to satisfy all needs of these customers.
In product specialization, salespeople are assigned specific types of customers and required to satisfy all needs of these customers.
Answer: Fa...
In a firm with geographic specialization, there is no attempt to specialize by product, market, or function.
In a firm with geographic specialization, there is no attempt to specialize by product, market, or function.
Answer: Tr...
If the firm has customers with similar needs and the firm sells a simple product offering, geography-driven specialization is recommended.
If the firm has customers with similar needs and the firm sells a simple product offering, geography-driven specialization is recommended.
If the firm has customers with similar needs and the firm sells a complex range of products, a product-specialized salesforce is recommended.
If the firm has customers with similar needs and the firm sells a complex range of products, a product-specialized salesforce is recommended.
One of the most important factors in determining the appropriate type of specialization is the similarity of customer needs.
One of the most important factors in determining the appropriate type of specialization is the similarity of customer needs.
Answer: Tr...
One of the most important factors in determining the appropriate type of specialization is the complexity of products offered by the firm.
One of the most important factors in determining the appropriate type of specialization is the complexity of products offered by the firm.
Centralization is most appropriate when sales organization activities are routine and repetitive.
Centralization is most appropriate when sales organization activities are routine and repetitive.
Answer: Tr...
Sales management can focus on selling skill rather than selling effort by employing a generalized salesforce.
Sales management can focus on selling skill rather than selling effort by employing a generalized salesforce.
Answer: Fal...
The sales organization structure may have to be changed as the selling situation changes.
The sales organization structure may have to be changed as the selling situation changes.
Answer: Tr...
An emerging trend affecting the design of sales organizations is the move toward smaller spans of control for sales managers.
An emerging trend affecting the design of sales organizations is the move toward smaller spans of control for sales managers.
Answer: Fal...
Staff sales management positions are part of the direct management hierarchy within the sales organization.
Staff sales management positions are part of the direct management hierarchy within the sales organization.
Answer: Fal...
Line managers are directly involved in the sales-generation activities of the firm.
Line managers are directly involved in the sales-generation activities of the firm.
Answer: Tr...
As one moves down the organizational chart from national sales manager to district sales manager, the number of individuals to be supervised directly decreases.
As one moves down the organizational chart from national sales manager to district sales manager, the number of individuals to be supervised directly...
Tall structures are most appropriate for decentralized organizations.
Tall structures are most appropriate for decentralized organizations.
Answer: Fal...
In a tall organization structure, there are more sales management levels and smaller spans of control.
In a tall organization structure, there are more sales management levels and smaller spans of control.
Answer: Tr...
The smaller the span of control, the more subordinates that a sales manager must supervise
The smaller the span of control, the more subordinates that a sales manager must supervise
Answer: Fal...
The trends from transactions to relationships, individuals to teams, and management to leadership are producing a more centralized orientation in many sales organizations.
The trends from transactions to relationships, individuals to teams, and management to leadership are producing a more centralized orientation in many...
A decentralized organization structure is one where authority and responsibility are placed at higher management levels.
A decentralized organization structure is one where authority and responsibility are placed at higher management levels.
Answer: Fal...
Centralization refers to the degree to which important decisions and tasks are performed at higher levels in the management hierarchy.
Centralization refers to the degree to which important decisions and tasks are performed at higher levels in the management hierarchy.
Answer: ...
The sales organization structure provides a framework for sales organization operations by indicating what specific activities are performed by whom in the sales organization.
The sales organization structure provides a framework for sales organization operations by indicating what specific activities are performed by whom...
The concept "planning and control unit" can be defined as
The concept "planning and control unit" can be defined as
a. the division of the total market area of the firm into geographic areas with an equal...
The overall objective of territory design is to
The overall objective of territory design is to
a. motivate salespeople to their fullest potential.
b. ensure that all accounts are assigned salesperson...
A territory is considered to be
A territory is considered to be
a. a geographical area in which the company has not previously prospected for accounts.
b. the amount of geographical...
Because of the existence of salesforce turnover,
Because of the existence of salesforce turnover,
a. firms should scale down their sales efforts to a level that the current salesforce can manage.
The profit maximization point is when
The profit maximization point is when
a. the total possible sales effort has been achieved.
b. the marginal costs of adding a salesperson are equal...
Sales generally increase in a ________ manner with the addition of salespeople, while costs typically increase in a ________ manner.
Sales generally increase in a ________ manner with the addition of salespeople, while costs typically increase in a ________ manner.
a. direct,...
Productivity is normally defined as
Productivity is normally defined as
a. a ratio between outputs and inputs.
b. the number of salespeople in the field.
c. a ratio of selling effort...
When a firm's competitive position is strong, and account opportunity is high, the selling effort strategy should be to:
When a firm's competitive position is strong, and account opportunity is high, the selling effort strategy should be to:
a. perform additional analysis...
When a firm's competitive position is strong, but account opportunity is low, the selling effort strategy should be to:
When a firm's competitive position is strong, but account opportunity is low, the selling effort strategy should be to:
a. perform additional analysis...
When a firm's competitive position is weak, and account opportunity is low, the selling effort strategy should be to:
When a firm's competitive position is weak, and account opportunity is low, the selling effort strategy should be to:
a. perform additional analysis...
When a firm's competitive position is weak, but account opportunity is high, the selling effort strategy should be to:
When a firm's competitive position is weak, but account opportunity is high, the selling effort strategy should be to:
a. perform additional analysis...
Competitive position is defined as
Competitive position is defined as
a. the strength of the relationship between the selling firm and an account.
b. the number of active competitors...
Decisions regarding the allocation of selling effort, salesforce size, and design of territories should be addressed
Decisions regarding the allocation of selling effort, salesforce size, and design of territories should be addressed
a. independently.
b. prior to...
Decisions regarding the allocation of selling effort, salesforce size, and design of territories are referred to as
Decisions regarding the allocation of selling effort, salesforce size, and design of territories are referred to as
a. salesforce distribution.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of a product sales organization structure?
Which of the following is a disadvantage of a product sales organization structure?
a. Limited specialization
b. Customer duplication
c. Need for...
Advantages of the geographic sales organization structure include all of the following except
Advantages of the geographic sales organization structure include all of the following except
a. fewer management levels.
b. no geographic duplication.
One main advantage of the functional sales organization structure is
One main advantage of the functional sales organization structure is
a. no geographic duplication.
b. no customer duplication.
c. sales efforts do...
A hybrid sales organization structure is
A hybrid sales organization structure is
a. generally composed of a combination of the strategic account and geographic sales organization structures.
An account can be considered complex under any of the following circumstances except when
An account can be considered complex under any of the following circumstances except when
a. it has multiple buying locations.
b. top management...
To be considered as a strategic, the account should be both ________ and ________.
To be considered as a strategic, the account should be both ________ and ________.
a. high in volume sales, high in total dollar sales
b. large, buy...
The basic objective of market specialization is
The basic objective of market specialization is
a. for salespeople to become experts in the assigned product category.
b. to guarantee that there...
When salespeople are assigned specific types of customers and are required to satisfy all needs of these customers, this is referred to as
When salespeople are assigned specific types of customers and are required to satisfy all needs of these customers, this is referred to as
a. product...
A company has one salesforce selling office equipment and another selling office supplies. They are organized according to geographic area and perform all selling activities to all types of accounts. They are considered to be
A company has one salesforce selling office equipment and another selling office supplies. They are organized according to geographic area and perform...
Cooper Tire and Rubber's use of separate salesforces for Cooper brands, Falls brands, and house brands of tires is an example of
Cooper Tire and Rubber's use of separate salesforces for Cooper brands, Falls brands, and house brands of tires is an example of
a. market specialization.
Which type of salesforce specialization does not result in any duplication of sales effort to an account or geographic area?
Which type of salesforce specialization does not result in any duplication of sales effort to an account or geographic area?
a. Product specialized
The least specialized and most generalized type of salesforce is one that is
The least specialized and most generalized type of salesforce is one that is
a. product specialized.
b. market specialized.
c. geographically specialized.
When there is a high level of environmental uncertainty and when adaptability is critical to achieving performance objectives, a ___________ sales organization structure is suggested.
When there is a high level of environmental uncertainty and when adaptability is critical to achieving performance objectives, a ___________ sales organization...
With regards to designing the sales organization, which one of the following is not an emerging trend?
With regards to designing the sales organization, which one of the following is not an emerging trend?
a. Many sales organizations are moving to some...
A staff sales management position is
A staff sales management position is
a. less specialized than a line sales management position.
b. part of the direct management hierarchy within...
Span of control refers to
Span of control refers to
a. the frequency with which subordinates are required to report to their immediate supervisor.
b. the number of different...
A ___ _ structure facilitates decision making in the field and encourages the development of relationships with customers.
A ___ _ structure facilitates decision making in the field and encourages the development of relationships with customers.
a. specialized
b. centralized
Trends from transactions to relations, individuals to teams, and management to leadership are producing a more ___ _ organization in many sales organizations.
Trends from transactions to relations, individuals to teams, and management to leadership are producing a more ___ _ organization in many sales organizations.
Centralization within the management structure can be best described as
Centralization within the management structure can be best described as
a. the degree to which important decisions and tasks are performed at higher...
The basic idea behind specialization is that
The basic idea behind specialization is that
a. certain individuals are more ideally suited for some types of jobs than others.
b. if individuals...
An organizational structure concept where individuals concentrate on performing some of the required activities to the exclusion of other tasks is
An organizational structure concept where individuals concentrate on performing some of the required activities to the exclusion of other tasks is
In the simplest type of sales organization structure, the following situation would exist:
In the simplest type of sales organization structure, the following situation would exist:
a. Each salesperson is responsible for selling one particular...
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