When IBM acquired Lotus, a meeting was held between IBM senior vice president John Thompson and a group of Lotus senior managers. In preparing for the...
The Edmonton Oilers ice hockey team developed a sense of history for its current players by raising banners showing successful seasons (five Stanley Cups!) and the retired numbers of great players from the past in its stadium and locker room. What tactics for maintaining organizational culture are the Edmonton Oilers using?
The Edmonton Oilers ice hockey team developed a sense of history for its current players by raising banners showing successful seasons (five Stanley Cups!)...
Which of the following is an example of a mechanism used to sustain organizational culture after anorganization's founders are gone?
Which of the following is an example of a mechanism used to sustain organizational culture after anorganization's founders are gone?a.recruiting practicesb.employee...
After an organization's founders are gone, the organization can use __________ to sustain itsorganizational culture.
After an organization's founders are gone, the organization can use __________ to sustain itsorganizational culture.a.industry associationsb.organizational...
______ is/are a primary source of organizational culture.
______ is/are a primary source of organizational culture.a.The company's founderb.The organization's competitive strategyc.The industry in which the organization...
When IBM acquired Lotus, a meeting was held between IBM senior vice president John Thompsonand a group of Lotus senior managers. In preparing for the meeting, the Lotus crew had donned theconservative suits and ties they thought were expected in the traditionally buttoned-down IBM. Theywere shocked when Thompson showed up for the meeting in a T-shirt and jeans because he was tryingto look like a Lotus employee. This anecdote illustrates:
When IBM acquired Lotus, a meeting was held between IBM senior vice president John Thompsonand a group of Lotus senior managers. In preparing for the...
A McDonald's restaurant executive was asked if he thought McDonald's has suffered because of itsslow adaptation to changing consumer tastes. He responded, "It's been such a successful businessmodel that you're always bouncing between 'let's do it because it works' and 'if it's not broken, don'tfix it.'" This dichotomy of how its management thinks about change would be part of McDonald's:
A McDonald's restaurant executive was asked if he thought McDonald's has suffered because of itsslow adaptation to changing consumer tastes. He responded,...
Many police agencies experience difficulties when trying to motivate officers to enthusiasticallyembrace a community policing philosophy. Agencies often start costly community policing programsonly to find that few officers actually partake in the transformation while most continue to operateunder traditional reactionary modes of law enforcement. This reluctance to change would reflect the _____ of the police departments.
Many police agencies experience difficulties when trying to motivate officers to enthusiasticallyembrace a community policing philosophy. Agencies often...
When Ivory started work at Henderson Textile Co., she was amazed at its employees who would takethirty-minute restroom breaks, leave for the day at 2 p.m., and generally belittle the company's management. Such employees' actions most likely developed as a result of a faulty:
When Ivory started work at Henderson Textile Co., she was amazed at its employees who would takethirty-minute restroom breaks, leave for the day at 2...
According to the text, which of the following is NOT a component of the internal environment of an organization?
According to the text, which of the following is NOT a component of the internal environment of an organization?a.managementb.employeesc.organizational...
The __________ is the set of key values, beliefs, and attitudes shared by organizational members.
The __________ is the set of key values, beliefs, and attitudes shared by organizational members.a.industry code of ethicsb.internal environmentc.organizational...
The term __________ refers to the events and trends inside an organization that affect management,employees, and the organizational culture.
The term __________ refers to the events and trends inside an organization that affect management,employees, and the organizational culture.a.managerial...
Which of the following statements about cognitive maps is true?
Which of the following statements about cognitive maps is true?a.Cognitive maps are simplified models of how consumers approach decision making. b.Cognitive...
________ is designed to aid decision making under conditions of uncertainty.
________ is designed to aid decision making under conditions of uncertainty.a.Cognitive mappingb.Media advocacyc.A narrow span of managementd.A Gantt...
Kodak makes both camera equipment and paper for printing pictures. Kodak would view the growing popularity of digital cameras as a(n) __________ in its external environment if it considered howdigital cameras affect sales of cameras that use film. On the other hand, Kodak would view thegrowing popularity of digital cameras as a(n) __________ in its external environment if it consideredthe amount of Kodak processing paper used in printing pictures made by digital cameras.
Kodak makes both camera equipment and paper for printing pictures. Kodak would view the growing popularity of digital cameras as a(n) __________ in its...
Managers should NOT use environmental scanning to:
Managers should NOT use environmental scanning to:a.reduce uncertaintyb.stay up-to-date on factors in their industryc.develop and implement their organizational...
Which of the following is one of the steps in the process that managers use to make sense of their changing environments?
Which of the following is one of the steps in the process that managers use to make sense of their changing environments?a.perceptual re-engagementb.environmental...
___ could reveal to Callaway Golf why the number of golfers in the United States is declining.
___ could reveal to Callaway Golf why the number of golfers in the United States is declining.a.A competitive assessmentb.Environmental scanningc.Environmental...
An organization engaged in __________ is searching the environment for important events or issuesthat might affect an organization.
An organization engaged in __________ is searching the environment for important events or issuesthat might affect an organization.a.a competitive assessmentb.environmental...
The first step managers use to make sense of their changing environments is:
The first step managers use to make sense of their changing environments is:a.environmental scanningb.perceptual re-engagementc.modifying budgetsd.do...
An organization called 85 Broads is sponsoring a "no purchase day" on October 19th to bring attentionto the gap between women's purchasing power and their representation in boardrooms and executive positions. They are asking consumers to engage in:
An organization called 85 Broads is sponsoring a "no purchase day" on October 19th to bring attentionto the gap between women's purchasing power and their...
To influence companies, advocacy groups typically use:
To influence companies, advocacy groups typically use:a.opportunistic behaviorb.telemessagingc.product boycottsd.narrowcastinge.keystoningAnswer:&nbs...
______ is a tactic in which an advocacy group actively tries to convince consumers not to purchase a company's product or service.
______ is a tactic in which an advocacy group actively tries to convince consumers not to purchase a company's product or service.a.Lobbyingb.Public communicationsc.Media...
Which of the following is the LEAST aggressive approach likely to be used by an advocacy group?
Which of the following is the LEAST aggressive approach likely to be used by an advocacy group?a.public communicationsb.media advocacyc.product boycottsd.class...
The National Rifle Association used a _____ approach to counter Democratic efforts to ban privategun ownership in 2004. It created an advertising campaign to convince people to vote against theDemocrats and their platform.
The National Rifle Association used a _____ approach to counter Democratic efforts to ban privategun ownership in 2004. It created an advertising campaign...
An ad paid for by Franklin Mutual Insurance Company encourages people to be proud of their countryand its military. The ad was not designed to sell any product of the company—rather it is designed tocounter efforts by some to malign U.S. actions in the Middle East. This ad would be an example of:
An ad paid for by Franklin Mutual Insurance Company encourages people to be proud of their countryand its military. The ad was not designed to sell any...
The Rainforest Alliance works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods bytransforming land-use practices, business practices, and consumer behavior. The Rainforest AllianceCertified Seal of Approval makes it easy for consumers to know they are buying a sustainably produced product. This nonprofit _____ has convinced McDonald's restaurants in Europe to use itscertified coffee beans.
The Rainforest Alliance works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods bytransforming land-use practices, business practices, and consumer...
An organization called 85 Broads is sponsoring a "no purchase day" on October 19th to bring attentionto the gap between women's purchasing power and their representation in boardrooms and executive positions. 85 Broads is an example of a(n):
An organization called 85 Broads is sponsoring a "no purchase day" on October 19th to bring attentionto the gap between women's purchasing power and their...
An emphasis on __________ is likely to decrease opportunistic behavior but will never completelyeliminate it.
An emphasis on __________ is likely to decrease opportunistic behavior but will never completelyeliminate it.a.buyer dependenceb.supplier dependencec.industry...
Small manufacturers often are successful because Wal-Mart agrees to carry their products. If Wal-Mart does not like a price increase, it often will refuse to do business with the manufacturer. At this point, many small manufacturers will offer price reductions because they fear failure if they lose theWal-Mart account. The relationship between these small manufacturers and Wal-Mart can bedescribed as:
Small manufacturers often are successful because Wal-Mart agrees to carry their products. If Wal-Mart does not like a price increase, it often will refuse...
At one time it was very difficult for independent booksellers to carry all the books from the different publishers. Book ordering was time-consuming and frustrating when orders did not arrive in a timelyfashion. Returning unsold books was an equally miserable experience. The creation of IngramDistribution allowed the booksellers to streamline the ordering and return procedures. Ingram made allthe books bookstore owners wanted to carry available in one centralized warehouse. Many new bookstore owners would be unwilling and/or unable to return to the method of ordering books from theindividual publishers. This is an example of the creation of:
At one time it was very difficult for independent booksellers to carry all the books from the different publishers. Book ordering was time-consuming and...
An increase in __________ can lead to opportunistic behavior in which one party benefits at the expense of the other.
An increase in __________ can lead to opportunistic behavior in which one party benefits at the expense of the other.a.managerial initiativesb.buyer dependencec.industry...
White Castle is a fast-food restaurant chain that is famous for its small, square hamburgers. Which of the following would be an industry regulation component of its specific environment?
White Castle is a fast-food restaurant chain that is famous for its small, square hamburgers. Which of the following would be an industry regulation component...
Regulators in the European Union have accused brewers of Inbev, Heineken, Grolsch, and Bavaria brand beers of collusion in the Netherlands. The brewers will have to pay 10 percent of their annualglobal sales if they are found guilty. This is an example of how the _____ environment affectsindustries.
Regulators in the European Union have accused brewers of Inbev, Heineken, Grolsch, and Bavaria brand beers of collusion in the Netherlands. The brewers...
______ is the establishment of mutually beneficial, long-term exchanges between buyers and suppliers.
______ is the establishment of mutually beneficial, long-term exchanges between buyers and suppliers.a.Transactional partneringb.Buyer-seller co-dependencec.Relationship...
In setting up his new office, an attorney wanted furnishings that were elegant and that would make himlook successful. He wanted thick, plush carpeting in his office, but federal regulations state that because his office is a public area, it must be wheelchair accessible. Wheelchairs do not maneuver wellin thick carpeting. The building inspector had him remove the expensive carpeting and replace it witha carpet that did allow wheelchair maneuverability. This is an example of how the __________ component of a company's specific environment influences it.
In setting up his new office, an attorney wanted furnishings that were elegant and that would make himlook successful. He wanted thick, plush carpeting...
Scientists have developed a fast and inexpensive test for bacterial contamination to detect salmonellaand listeria in food. The test will help restaurants maintain food safety and customer loyalty. In termsof the specific environment of the restaurant industry, if the FDA requires all restaurants to buy anduse this test, it would be an example of the _____ component of the environment.
Scientists have developed a fast and inexpensive test for bacterial contamination to detect salmonellaand listeria in food. The test will help restaurants...
A high degree of buyer or seller dependence can lead to __________ in which one party benefits at theexpense of the other.
A high degree of buyer or seller dependence can lead to __________ in which one party benefits at theexpense of the other.a.relationship behaviorb.transactional...
When a hardware store agrees to be an exclusive dealer of Husqvarna power tools, it turns over about25 percent of its floor space to the manufacturer's displays. If Husqvarna were to experience a long-term strike that made it impossible to deliver products, than the hardware store's sales would likelydecline due to:
When a hardware store agrees to be an exclusive dealer of Husqvarna power tools, it turns over about25 percent of its floor space to the manufacturer's...
Scientists have developed a fast and inexpensive test for bacterial contamination to detect salmonellaand listeria in food. The test will help restaurants maintain food safety and customer loyalty. Litmusis the only company manufacturing and marketing the test and holds the patent for the testmethodology. If the FDA requires all restaurants to use this test, which can only be purchased directlyfrom Litmus, then _____ will be strong.
Scientists have developed a fast and inexpensive test for bacterial contamination to detect salmonellaand listeria in food. The test will help restaurants...
A key factor influencing the relationship between companies and their suppliers is:
A key factor influencing the relationship between companies and their suppliers is:a.how dependent they are on each other b.how much they know about...
Albertsons is one of the top three supermarket chains in the United States. It is searching for newways to attract the fickle U.S. consumer. As it looks to attract more customers to its stores, it has identified its competitors including smaller stores, such as Whole Foods Market and Aldi, and examined their strengths and weaknesses. Albertsons has conducted:
Albertsons is one of the top three supermarket chains in the United States. It is searching for newways to attract the fickle U.S. consumer. As it looks...
The Bailey Wildlife Fund was created to act as a protector of wolves, grizzly bears, and other predatory animals. It works with landowners to prevent or reduce predator problems. The nonprofit organization asks landowners to suggest plans that can be implemented to prevent predators format tacking their herds, and then the Fund pays to implement those that offer the most universal benefit. This is an example of:
The Bailey Wildlife Fund was created to act as a protector of wolves, grizzly bears, and other predatory animals. It works with landowners to prevent...
Companies doing a competitive analysis typically err by:
Companies doing a competitive analysis typically err by:a.doing an incomplete job of identifying competitorsb.overestimating their competitionc.ignoring...
_____ involves deciding who your competitors are, anticipating competitors' moves, and determining competitors' strengths and weaknesses.
_____ involves deciding who your competitors are, anticipating competitors' moves, and determining competitors' strengths and weaknesses.a.Competitive...
The manager of a company that produces soy-based sausage wants to conduct a competitive analysis. During this competitive analysis, she should look at:
The manager of a company that produces soy-based sausage wants to conduct a competitive analysis. During this competitive analysis, she should look at:a.companies...
In the spring of 2007, Howard Schultz, the chairman of Starbucks, expressed his concern over the encroachment of fast-food operations into the coffeehouse business. Schultz is concerned with the _____ component of the specific environment of Starbucks.
In the spring of 2007, Howard Schultz, the chairman of Starbucks, expressed his concern over the encroachment of fast-food operations into the coffeehouse...
In response to changes in the _____ component of its specific environment, McDonald's in Europe has installed iPods in its restaurants, introduced higher-quality coffee, and developed comfortable chairs.
In response to changes in the _____ component of its specific environment, McDonald's in Europe has installed iPods in its restaurants, introduced higher-quality...
Two homebuilders are building homes in nearby subdivisions. One is offering 2,500-square-foothomes with two-acre yards. The other is offering similar-size houses with quarter-acre yards. The builder offering the smaller lots cannot keep up with demand. The builder offering the larger lots has several unsold houses. The builder with the smaller lots most likely used __________ to determine what home buyers desired.
Two homebuilders are building homes in nearby subdivisions. One is offering 2,500-square-foothomes with two-acre yards. The other is offering similar-size...
Which of the following is a component of Volkswagen's specific environment and will directly influence how it does business?
Which of the following is a component of Volkswagen's specific environment and will directly influence how it does business?a.Renault, a French car makerb.laws...
Even after bloggers revealed that the standard Kryptonite U-shaped lock could be easily opened with aBic pen, the Kryptonite Company tried to deny there were any problems with its product. Finally, itagreed to address customers' concerns by replacing the locks if the customer still had his or her salesslip. Kryptonite engaged in:
Even after bloggers revealed that the standard Kryptonite U-shaped lock could be easily opened with aBic pen, the Kryptonite Company tried to deny there...
Two homebuilders are building homes in nearby subdivisions. One is offering 2,500-square-foothomes with two-acre yards. The other is offering similar-size houses with quarter-acre yards. The builder offering the smaller lots cannot keep up with demand. The builder offering the larger lots hasseveral unsold houses. The builder with the larger lots could use __________ to determine why hishomes are not selling.
Two homebuilders are building homes in nearby subdivisions. One is offering 2,500-square-foothomes with two-acre yards. The other is offering similar-size...
The best way for an organization to manage legal responsibilities is to:
The best way for an organization to manage legal responsibilities is to:a.retain a large legal staffb.educate managers and employeesc.continuously scan...
_______ is used to refer to a company's practice of identifying and addressing customer trends and problems after they occur.
_______ is used to refer to a company's practice of identifying and addressing customer trends and problems after they occur.a.Consumer confidence forecasts b.Competitive...
Which of the following is TRUE regarding services scheduling?
Which of the following is TRUE regarding services scheduling?A) The critical ratio sequencing rule is widely used for fairness to customers.B) The emphasis...
Which of the following is NOT tracked by scheduling optimization systems used in retail stores?
Which of the following is NOT tracked by scheduling optimization systems used in retail stores?A) cars parked in the parking lotB) individual store salesC)...
A recent advance in short-term scheduling that makes use of expert systems and simulation in solving dynamic scheduling problems is:
A recent advance in short-term scheduling that makes use of expert systems and simulation in solving dynamic scheduling problems is:A) forward scheduling.B)...
Which of the following is a limitation of rules-based dispatching systems?
Which of the following is a limitation of rules-based dispatching systems?A) Rules need to be revised to adjust to changes in orders, product mix, and...
When a set of jobs must pass through two workstations whose sequence is fixed, ________ is the sequencing rule most commonly applied.
When a set of jobs must pass through two workstations whose sequence is fixed, ________ is the sequencing rule most commonly applied.A) critical ratioB)...
What does the use of the shortest processing time sequencing rule generally produce?
What does the use of the shortest processing time sequencing rule generally produce?A) maximum average latenessB) maximum utilizationC) maximum effectivenessD)...
Which of the following is an advantage of the FCFS dispatching rule when used in services?
Which of the following is an advantage of the FCFS dispatching rule when used in services?A) FCFS maximizes utilization.B) FCFS minimizes the average...
What is the priority rule that sequences jobs using the smallest ratio of due date from today to processing time?
What is the priority rule that sequences jobs using the smallest ratio of due date from today to processing time?A) critical ratioB) earliest due dateC)...
Which critical ratio value implies that a job is already late?
Which critical ratio value implies that a job is already late?A) more than 100B) 1C) less than 1D) 10E) 3.4Answer: C) less than...
Eight jobs have been sequenced at a single work center. Total processing time for the eight jobs is 34 hours, and total flow time for the sequence is 85 hours. For this schedule, utilization is ________ and the average number of jobs in the system is ________.
Eight jobs have been sequenced at a single work center. Total processing time for the eight jobs is 34 hours, and total flow time for the sequence is...
Average completion time for a schedule sequence at a work center is the ratio of:
Average completion time for a schedule sequence at a work center is the ratio of:A) total processing time to the number of jobs.B) total flow time to...
Which of the following dispatching rules tends to minimize job flow time?
Which of the following dispatching rules tends to minimize job flow time?A) FCFS: first come, first servedB) SPT: shortest processing timeC) EDD: earliest...
Flow time represents the time:
Flow time represents the time:A) an order spends waiting for processing at a work center.B) an order spends being processed at a work center.C) an order...
Sequencing (or dispatching):
Sequencing (or dispatching):A) assigns dates to specific jobs or operations steps.B) assigns jobs to work centers.C) specifies the order in which jobs...
Which of the following dispatching rules ordinarily gives the best results when the criterion is lowest time for completion of the full sequence of jobs?
Which of the following dispatching rules ordinarily gives the best results when the criterion is lowest time for completion of the full sequence of jobs?A)...
Orders are processed in the sequence in which they arrive if (the) ________ rule sequences the jobs.
Orders are processed in the sequence in which they arrive if (the) ________ rule sequences the jobs.A) earliest due dateB) slack time remainingC) first...
Using LPT priority would result in what sequence for Jobs A, B, C, and D if their process times are 4, 6, 5, and 2 respectively?
Using LPT priority would result in what sequence for Jobs A, B, C, and D if their process times are 4, 6, 5, and 2 respectively?A) ABCDB) DCBAC) DACBD)...
EDD stands for what?
EDD stands for what?A) earliest due dateB) earliest design dateC) earliest detrimental dateD) earliest decision dateE) economic date determinationAnswer: A)...
If an assignment problem consists of 5 workers and 4 projects:
If an assignment problem consists of 5 workers and 4 projects:A) one worker will not get a project assignment.B) one project will be assigned two workers.C)...
If an assignment problem consists of 6 workers and 7 projects:
If an assignment problem consists of 6 workers and 7 projects:A) one worker will not get a project assignment.B) one worker will be assigned two projects.C)...
What is a method of input-output control that uses a system of cards to limit the amount of work at a work center and also to control lead time and monitor backlog?
What is a method of input-output control that uses a system of cards to limit the amount of work at a work center and also to control lead time and monitor...
Which of the following is an aid used to monitor jobs in progress?
Which of the following is an aid used to monitor jobs in progress?A) a Gantt load chartB) the assignment methodC) a Gantt schedule chartD) Johnson's ruleE)...
If job 5 takes 3, 4 or 5 hours to be completed by workers A, B, and C, respectively, what would the row values for job 5 be after performing Step 1A of the assignment method?
If job 5 takes 3, 4 or 5 hours to be completed by workers A, B, and C, respectively, what would the row values for job 5 be after performing Step 1A of...
There are two jobs to be assigned to two workers. The profit for worker A on job 1 is $5 and on job 2 is $8. The profit for worker B on job 1 is $10 and on job 2 is $12. How should the work be divided using the assignment method?
There are two jobs to be assigned to two workers. The profit for worker A on job 1 is $5 and on job 2 is $8. The profit for worker B on job 1 is $10 and...
What is a scheduling technique used to achieve an optimum, one-to-one matching of tasks and resources?
What is a scheduling technique used to achieve an optimum, one-to-one matching of tasks and resources?A) the assignment methodB) Johnson's ruleC) the...
The assignment method is:
The assignment method is:A) a method to highlight overloads in a given work center.B) a computerized method of determining appropriate tasks for an operation.C)...
A work center is interested in limiting work-in-process by not allowing production to start again until the current batch is finished. The best solution most likely involves:
A work center is interested in limiting work-in-process by not allowing production to start again until the current batch is finished. The best solution...
A work center had planned outputs of 10, 15, 13, and 20 hours with actual outputs of 12, 14, 13, and 18 hours. What is the cumulative deviation in output?
A work center had planned outputs of 10, 15, 13, and 20 hours with actual outputs of 12, 14, 13, and 18 hours. What is the cumulative deviation in output?A)...
A work center had actual input of 280 hours and actual output of 270 hours. What is the change in backlog?
A work center had actual input of 280 hours and actual output of 270 hours. What is the change in backlog?A) 10B) -10C) 0D) 1.037E) Unable to determine...
Which of the following is NOT required to be known in order to schedule process-focused facilities?
Which of the following is NOT required to be known in order to schedule process-focused facilities?A) the sequence of workB) which workers are assigned...
The short-term scheduling activity called "loading":
The short-term scheduling activity called "loading":A) assigns dates to specific jobs or operations steps.B) specifies the order in which jobs should...
Forward scheduling:
Forward scheduling:A) begins with a delivery date, then offsets each operation one at a time, in reverse order.B) has the same meaning as "finite loading."C)...
Which of the following considers process capacity when scheduling?
Which of the following considers process capacity when scheduling?A) cap loadingB) constrained loadingC) capacitated loadingD) backward loadingE) finite...
Which of the following is not an effectiveness criterion for scheduling?
Which of the following is not an effectiveness criterion for scheduling?A) minimizing customer waiting timeB) minimizing completion timeC) minimizing...
Short-term schedules are prepared:
Short-term schedules are prepared:A) directly from the aggregate plans.B) directly from the capacity plans.C) from inventory records for items that have...
Forward scheduling is the scheduling of:
Forward scheduling is the scheduling of:A) the end items or finished products.B) jobs as soon as the requirements are known.C) the start items or component...
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